Knowhere-V3: Terra NFT Marketplace Updates


Knowhere-V3, roadmaps, stats, engineering, and more

Knowhere-V3 coming soon

TL;DR — Knowhere-V3 is coming to Terra soon! What’s new? a huge revamp on UX/UI, more features to help buyers and sellers, scalable infrastructure and faster LaunchPad project onboarding.

2021 has been a really good year for the Terra blockchain, and also for us, the Knowhere team. We are very lucky, and have come a long way: from the inception of the very first NFT project on Terra: SpaceLoot on the 11th of September 2021, to our journey of iterating the NFT marketplace, V1 and V2; to now having over 110,000 unique visitors to our marketplace, over 130 NFT collections, and 230k LUNA in trading volumes since launched.

We are also very humbled of going to be featured in the first-ever Terra-ecosystem documentary, as well as the upcoming CoinTelegraph’s Terra ecosystem landscape report.

Last Update: 28 Jan 2022

We couldn’t have done this without the amazing communities that we have and also the partners and supporters who helped us in the terra ecosystems. We really appreciate all the supports we’ve got along the way.

What we’re building

Having the first-mover advantage on the Terra blockchain allows us to capture a big part of the NFT market very quickly. However, our journey doesn’t stop here, we are constantly working hard on improving our marketplace. And with Product-Market fit in place, we are now ready to move on to the next stage of building a startup: Scale.

Totally accurate representation of our dev on an average Tuesday night

There are many beloved features on Knowhere such as the front page projects curation, highly customizable LaunchPad, and the fluid Auction system. We’ve also received a lot of great feedback from the recent AMA with wagmimonkeez community: improving the search filters, advanced statistics, links to projects, clear action feedback, etc. We feel you, that’s why we recently hired the best product manager we can find to help us on upgrading our user experience to be even better — coming soon to Knowhere-V3!

Example of Knowhere-V3 UI

We are also aiming to deliver more new features that can help improve the buying and selling experiences, such as ‘buy floor’, ‘make offer’, ‘bulk selling’, complete collection views, upgraded UX, mobile optimization. Oh yes, and a completely new, cleaner design!

Engineering Roadmap

Having the experience of launching over 60+ projects, there is also another challenge that we faced: Scaling. Scaling both the marketplace infrastructure and being able to host multiple NFT launches every day is no easy task.

It usually requires quite a few hours of our engineer's time to mint and LaunchPad each NFT project. This is obviously a huge bottleneck, and is not very sustainable to both launch NFT projects and build new features at the same time. So we’ve built a back-office infrastructure to perform LaunchPad/Candy Machine automation, that is capable of launching projects 15x faster than previously required. We are now ready to handle the scale.

UI Design for LaunchPad

For the smaller-scale NFT and 1-of-1s, we’ve also built Knowhere Creator, which allows anyone and everyone to mint their own NFT by themselves using a simple website, with 0 codings required. We hope that this can be a life-changing tool for many very talented artists out there.

Oh yes, and our contract is currently being audited by Oak.

We also plan to start to develop more openly: open-sourcing parts of our codebase, opening up APIs to allow more integrations, smart contract SDKs, Incubation program, offering bounties, grants, and providing incentives for third-party development. More updates to follow.

Ramping Up:

While having an extremely talented engineering team who can execute and deliver, fast. We are growing and made a few recent key hires: Product Manager, Campaign Strategist, Content Manager, Project Coordinator, putting together an A+ team.

We are also ramping up our marketing effort: having recently consolidated our discord channels to make support more efficient and being more active on Twitter events and giveaways, and a few Youtube videos coming soon (with a little surprise), Stay tuned!

“Pre-NFTs the difficult thing about the internet was that it had no property rights — you couldn’t really “own” anything on the internet, which limited the business opportunities you could build on the web (only advertising biz existed), but NFTs present an opportunity to (for the first time) introduce property rights to the internet — this will lead the web to become the primary world and meatspace secondary.” — a stable wise man

We are super bullish on the NFT technology, beyond JPEGs, GameFis and Metaverses, and the revolution is just getting started. We are very proud and excited to be the NFT infrastructure builder on the Terra Blockchain. It’s still day 1.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news.

Thanks for reading ❤️‍🔥.

That’s it for today. Back to building. WAGMI 🚀

