God Calls Abraham | Genesis 11–15 | Day 3 of 238

KnowYourBible Community
3 min readJan 8, 2020


Taking from ‘The Promised Land’ authored by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, PhD, “When you study this portion of Scripture, you’ll find out that the summary of what God said to him was, ‘Go into a land that I will reveal to you.’ Isn’t that marvelous! Imagine God coming to you tonight and saying, ‘Get out of this country and go into a land that I will show you.”

“God said to Abraham, ‘Go I’ll show you the land.’ Abraham didn’t remain there asking if he should go south, east or west, he just set out and began his journey. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:8 (MSG), “When he left he had no idea where he was going.” He just trusted God to lead him. He was indeed a man of faith; the only thing he knew was what God had told him.”

SPIRITUAL LESSON: In life, the only thing you really need is what God has told you. You don’t need to ask whether you should go south, east or west, like Abraham, set out and begin your journey on the basis of God’s Word concerning you. Trust him to guide you because He unfailingly will if you let Him.

“In life, the only thing you really need is what God has told you.” One might ask, ‘but what has God told me? He hasn’t physically spoken to me.’ As a Christian, you must understand that you are a child (an offspring) of the Word. This is not a cliche or a figurative saying. In actual fact, when you understand this theory, you will understand deeply who you really are — you’re not just another human being on the face of planet earth, you are an offspring of the Word; that means your life is a written script (a prophecy), you simply have to act out the script (step into your prophecy). ‘What God has told you’ is your script and that is the Word of God (ie. You, ie. The Bible).

Paul speaking to Timothy said, “Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well,” (1 Timothy 1:18 NIV).

With this, I want you to understand, just like Paul told Timothy; the key to winning lives battles is by keeping with the prophecies once made about you — the Word of God concerning you — so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well.

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