Alain Couniot, dr ir
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Machine Learning

41 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


111 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Artificial Intelligence

85 stories

A llama
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


549 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


48 stories

IMAGE: The newspaper Das Andere Deutschland’s final issue, announcing its own prohibition (Verbot) by the police authorities on the basis of the Reichstag fire decree, in 1933
Bluescreen computer
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Large Language Models

20 stories

A llama
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Operating Systems

3 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Software Development

64 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


31 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Web Development

26 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Programming Languages

18 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Energy Sources

9 stories

IMAGE: The Gansu Dunhuang Solar Park is a 50-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic power station located in the Gansu Province, in China
IMAGE: An imaginary map of Italy filled with nuclear plants
IMAGE: An illustration representing hydrogen’s role in clean energy and sustainability as a scam by big oil companies
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


33 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Knowledge Modeling and Representation

1 story

A row of handsome, cinnamon-coloured ducks with dark caps. Most are preening but the second duck from the right is curious about the camera.
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


7 stories

A fish-eye photo of the sky and flowers
IMAGE: A first aid kit on white with a red cross on top
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


10 stories

Two paths
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Generative AI

31 stories

how to reduce LLM hallucinations
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


18 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


6 stories

Two paths
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Societal Topics

5 stories

IMAGE: An illustration representing the progress of decarbonization, highlighting the transition from high carbon emissions to a cleaner, greener future
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Civil electromechanical engineer, with a PhD in Comp. Flud Dynamics (Polymer flows, low Reynolds number). 30+ years in IT. Enterprise Architect by trade