Quick Tip — Rapid Idea Validation and Prototyping for Success

David Kolb
2 min readJul 5, 2023


Diverse Group Talking Round a Table
Image : David Kolb

Building an MVP is often seen as the litmus test for a new business idea. But did you know there’s a quicker, less resource-intensive way to validate your business ideas?

Let’s delve into how you can rapidly test your business idea without spending considerable time and resources creating an MVP.💡

Before committing substantial resources to your idea, starting small is essential. Whether it’s a 30-second video, a storyboard, or even a simple sketch, these simple prototypes are enough to communicate your idea and gather initial feedback. 📽️📝

Early feedback from your target audience is crucial in shaping your idea. It helps identify what resonates with them, what doesn’t, and how you can iterate and improve. Running small experiments enables you to gather real-time feedback and data quickly. 🎯📊

By iterating on a small scale, you minimise the potential negative impact if an idea fails. Don’t be afraid to change direction, as each iteration helps build evidence for the viability or effectiveness of a product, service, or business model. 🔄💡

A culture that promotes small experiments encourages creativity and innovation. When employees know they can test ideas without fear of major failure, they’re more likely to explore novel solutions. 🧪💡

Does this mean MVPs are redundant? Not at all. They are vital but come into play later in the process. Initial tests with prototypes help refine your idea and make your MVP more focused and effective.🎯

To recap, test your business idea early with a simple prototype, gather and incorporate feedback, and iterate your idea. It is essential to assess the feedback and viability of your concept through initial tests and iterations before making the decision to invest in developing an MVP 🔄💡

📣 Now, I’d love to hear from you! What’s the most valuable feedback you’ve received when testing a business idea? Share your experiences in the comments below! 👇🗨️

For more information check out David Kolb Consultancy

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David Kolb

Innovation Strategist & Coach | Cyclist 🚴‍♀️ | Photographer 📸 | IDEO U Alumni Coach