The Tale of Colors: Part 6-Indigo

Everything Tells A Story
5 min readJul 29, 2024


Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash

For Part 1: Click Here

For Part 2: Click Here

For Part 3: Click Here

For Part 4: Click Here

For Part 5: Click Here

I looked out the window at the sky, which was slowly fading into the dark of the night. When I peered close, I thought I could see Blue, filling the evening with streaks of dark blue and black which had been purchased from the Neutrals through the monthly trade.

Twilight was coming soon.

“Are you ready, Violet?” I called, having finished packing all the things we’d need. I had the flashlights, cameras, rope, net, fake painting props, and everything else that we would need to catch the Neutrals in their act. Yellow had also called me the day before, confirming she’d told the Color Managers and the others about the plan.

“Coming!” Violet hollered in return, before I heard a crash of noises similar to the sound of an avalanche.


We had mere hours, before the attack on the Color Colosseum, and we still had loads of preparing to do, including meeting up with the rest of the group, followed by searching the entire Colosseum for where the Neutrals were. And here Violet was, being everything but helpful in times of near crisis.

Quite usual of her.

Before, I could call her again, Violet waltzed into my room of the small Color Condo that we had secretly rented out as we had been working on learning information about the Neutrals.

“It’s them.” Violet announced calmly, holding up her Color Communicator to show that is was the Neutrals.

“Do you think they found out.” I whispered, suddenly aware of every window and cranny in the room. We’d earned the loyalty of the Neutrals months ago when we came with our sob story. But, you could never be too cautious.

“I mean, they don’t have any reason too.” Violet replied, before answering the call, showing us a hologram of the Neutrals.

“Good morning, Purples.” White greeted, in that angelic voice of hers, “We have some important news for you.”

“Hello Neutrals.” I responded, using the professional voice that I always did, for calls like this.

“Hey.” Violet answered, making sure to maintain a smile.


My eyes bulged, “W-what?” I asked.

“But no need to worry,” White interjected, shooting a look that implied we should be much more than worried. “You see — ”

“There’s been a change of plans.” Brown interrupted, hands folded immaculately, clearly all business, “It seems the Color Managers have scheduled an inspection of the Colosseum so conveniently on the day that we had planned to tarnish it.” She raised a brow, and it took everything inside me to maintain composure. “Strange, isn’t it?”

“AND I CAN BET THAT THE TWO OF YOU HAVE SOMETH’N TO DO WITH IT!” Black yelled face reddening with anger.

“Neutrals.” I responded, forcing myself to keep the even unbiased tone that was always so easy for me. “What reason would we have to — ”

“We know that you called the Rainbows,” White added her usually warm smile looking like something straight out of a horror movie, “Your Color Communicators are easy to hack. Well at least, according to the hacker we paid to hack into yours.”

My throat turned dry, “Lies.” I muttered, shaking my head. “We’d never do that — ”

“The Neutrals won’t be very happy when they hear that, though.” my voice echoed from a recording of the hologram between Yellow, Green, Violet, and I.

My body stiffened, “That’s not — ”

“What were you saying?” White grinned, revealing the gap between her two pearly front teeth.

“As far as The Neutrals know, we’re all best friends.”

“YOU LIARS!!” Black shrieked, clearly having seen the video for the first time.


I put my hand on my head, trying to push down the waves of disappointment and fear. Trying desperately to think of something to say. Sweat trickled down my forehead, as my heart hammered ferociously.

Even after we’d used the screen of smoke to hide our location and fans to muffle our voices, they’d still found the hologram and recognized us.

All of our hard work, all of our meticulous planning, every hour we’d worked, and every second we’d dreamt.

All gone.

“Don’t worry.” Brown cooed, “We’ll continue ‘recoloring the world’ and by the time we’re done, a revolution will have begun.”

Violet pressed the red button on the Color Communicator to end the hologram, just to spare the Neutrals the pity of seeing us at our weakest.

“You didn’t say anything,” I whispered, trying to speak calmly, “You’re always talking with me, always beside me, and today. ‘Hey?!’” I fumed, feeling angry tears rising, “Was that all you could say to them?!”

Violet said nothing, her face calm one might even say…relaxed, “Sorry, but I was a little busy…”

“Busy doing what?” I countered, “Staring at yourself?”

Violet held up her Color Communicator, and pressed a button.

Good morning, Purples. We have some important news for you.

“You recorded the whole thing?” I sputtered with shock.

“If they can record us on a call, then so can we.” Violet replied in return, a smile spreading on her face as she paused the recording, “ The plan continues as normal, but instead we show the Color Managers this recording. This, plus the word of the others, and the vandalized groves will give us more than enough evidence to stop their rebellion.”

“And negotiate.” I added, still overflowing with relief.

“Well, I don’t know.” Violet added, suddenly serious, “Will the Neutrals really want to negotiate after all of this? Do they even deserve it?”

“The Neutrals have done so much for us.” I reasoned, “Of course they deserve a chance.”

“Yeah, they’ve done a lot for us.” Violet scoffed, “Like humiliate you just mere minutes ago.”

“They were mad!” I screamed, “I mean, we did just betray them, wouldn’t anyone be?!!”

“And when they don’t get their way at the Color Colosseum, their going to be even madder.” Violet’s harsh face softened, “I’m just warning you that we might have to be a little harsh with the Neutrals. Okay?”

“Fine.” I sighed.

On the outside, we were the twin talking lazy Purples, the same in every way possible. At least that’s what the Rainbow quintet or whatever called themselves thought.


How wrong they are.

I looked out the window, as Violet mumbled something to me about being ready in a few minutes, before walking out the door.

It was almost time to meet the group, and eventually the Neutrals at the Color Colosseum.

The Neutrals… I thought, breaking into a nervous sweat.

What were we going to do? How where we going to handle them?

I didn’t know.

But we had to figure it out.

And fast.

Part 7: Click Here



Everything Tells A Story

I write short and concise article and stories about creativity, writing, and important lessons that help us improve as humans. I also write short stories.