My Grandfather’s Letters — March 15, 1939 Washington, DC 37 of 46

Kristen Lodge
2 min readApr 26, 2024


Letter Postmarked: Mar 15, 1939
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Washington DC
To: Mrs Betty Fritzson 6034 Walton St. Philadelphia, Penna


My Betty:

I just received word that I am to leave town to-night at 11:40P.M. for Chicago. The purpose of the trip is to attend a Maintenance of Way convention in Chicago so I should have a very nice & easy time.

Mr. Barriger, Bradford, Freeman, etc are all making the trip. Mr. Barriger has arranged for us to make the trip from Pittsburgh to Chicago via a PRR business car & I should meet some PRR officers — which won’t do me any harm.

It looks very doubtful that I will see you this week-end. If we come back soon I might be able to route myself back via Phila. so as to see you on Sunday but right now it is very uncertain. You better call off any arrangements that you might have made for the weekend.

I’ll write later as to further developments.

All my love,


Letter 38
Letter 36



Kristen Lodge

I am a writer, mountain dweller, traveler, runner, cyclist and dog lover.