KyberSwap integrates Torus for super easy wallet creation and fiat to crypto on-ramps!

Krystal Wallet
6 min readMar 25, 2020


UPDATE: $3200 Torus Wallet Creation Campaign extended to 10th April!

KyberSwap is glad to further optimise the onboarding experience for new crypto traders with our Torus integration.

Through Torus, a popular 3rd party service backed by Multicoin Capital, Binance Labs, and Coinbase Ventures, KyberSwap now offers an intuitive 1-click wallet creation and management process using social media logins, while providing users multiple options to purchase crypto with fiat (e.g. USD) with low fees.

Currently this service is available for desktop users, but you can import your Torus wallet into your KyberSwap Android mobile app if needed.

Why integrate with Torus?

At KyberSwap, many customer support tickets are related to wallet management and crypto purchases. These are often raised by new users who only have a basic understanding of how Ethereum and non-custodial exchanges work. Hence we wanted a super seamless wallet creation solution that most people will be instantly familiar with and one that abstracts all of the complexities and blockchain jargon typically associated with DApps.

Torus is a simple and non-custodial gateway to the decentralized ecosystem of Web3.0 via OAuth logins. With 1-click social media login options such as gmail, Facebook, Twitch, discord, Reddit, and various fiat to crypto on-ramp services (including Wyre, MoonPay, Ramp Network, Simplex) in a single interface, Torus was a natural choice for us. In addition, using Torus is fast and efficient and does not require any browser extensions, installations or downloads.

How does it work?

1. For NEW users

No existing Ethereum or Torus wallet

Go to and click on the ‘Torus’ button.

You will be prompted to choose your preferred social media login method. Currently 5 options are supported — Gmail, Facebook, Reddit, Twitch and Discord. Choose the one you prefer. Each social media login type is tied to a different Ethereum address (gmail is different from facebook, reddit etc.).

That’s it! It’s really that simple. Your Ethereum wallet is successfully created within seconds and you can use it on KyberSwap or any application that supports Torus.

2. For existing Torus users

You already have a Torus wallet and want to access it again

Follow the same steps mentioned above. Please note that if you previously used to create wallet, you have to use the same login credentials to access the same Torus-Ethereum wallet.

Here is an example of the login flow.

Note: If you wish to export your Torus private key to access your wallet elsewhere, you can easily do so at

How to buy Ether (ETH)?

KyberSwap offers the option to purchase ETH via Torus, which has compiled various fiat to crypto on-ramp services such as MoonPay, Wyre, and Ramp network into a single interface. Users can use their Debit or Credit Cards, or Apple Pay. When you purchase ETH with fiat, the purchased ETH goes straight to the wallet address you indicate. The transfer of ETH to your wallet will require a short period of time, depending on your country.

Please note: MoonPay, Wyre or other 3rd party services may require you to provide KYC (Know-Your-Customer) details before you can purchase ETH. KyberSwap is not directly involved in this process and does not store users’ personal information. KyberSwap’s main services of token exchange, token transfer, and Limit Orders, all do not require any form of KYC.

1. How to buy ETH, if you are using a wallet created with Torus?

Click on “MoonPay” or “Wyre (only for US residents)”, and follow these steps to purchase ETH:

  1. Click the ‘Torus’ button on and authenticate with Gmail/Facebook/discord/reddit etc. → Torus Wallet created
  2. Click BUY ETH → Moonpay/Wyre.
  3. Purchase ETH
  4. ETH will come to Torus Wallet (in Step 1)

2. How to buy ETH, if you are using any other wallet (e.g. Metamask)?

  1. Connect Metamask Wallet on
  2. Click BUY ETH → Moonpay/Wyre
  3. Purchase ETH
  4. ETH will come to your Metamask Wallet

3. Buy ETH on

Alternatively, you can visit with the Torus wallet you created on KyberSwap and access more fiat to crypto on-ramp options.

Eligible countries for the Buy ETH feature

Questions? Talk to us at

$3200 KyberSwap x Torus Launch Campaign! (Starts 30th March)

To celebrate this important step in onboarding thousands of new crypto users, Torus and KyberSwap will be running a Wallet Creation campaign together, from 30th March 22:00 to 10th April, 2020 23:59 GMT+8.

USD $3200 worth of prizes in total to be won!

1) $2500 Trading Contest

  • First 400 eligible winners will receive $5 in PT (Promo Tokens) each that can be traded for ETH
  • One address will be randomly selected to win the lucky draw prize of $500!

All you need to do in order to win:

a) Create a NEW Torus Wallet during the contest period

b) Use this Torus Wallet to trade at least 0.2 ETH worth of any token on KyberSwap in a single transaction

That’s it! The first 400 eligible users will be guaranteed $5 after the campaign ends. If your address falls outside the first 400, you are still eligible for the $500 lucky draw prize!

2) $500 Torus Referral Campaign

NEW users who log into Torus to create their new wallets during this promotion period would stand a chance to enter a draw and win an additional $500 worth of ETH. Participants can increase their chances of winning by sending out their referral link and getting their friends to create their own Torus Wallet.

3) $200 Retweet Campaign

10 lucky Twitter winners will also win $20 in PT each!

  • Follow KyberSwap and TorusLabs on Twitter
  • Retweet the pinned tweet (available on 30th March)
  • Tag 3 friends in the comments and hashtag #KyberTorus
  • Winners will be randomly selected

Full contest period:

30th March 22:00 to 10th April, 2020 23:59 GMT+8

New deadline: 10th, April, 23:59 GMT+8

Join our KyberSwap telegram. Read how to redeem PT (Promo Tokens). Good luck and have fun trading everyone!

Additional KyberSwap feature improvements

1. Price Trend Notifications

We have optimised our Price Trend Notifications based on the very helpful user feedback we have collected. We will test our notifications with 3 tokens first: ETH, WBTC, and KNC, and aim to alert users only 3-5 times a day to avoid bombarding them with information. Users also have the option to turn their notifications off anytime. This feature is available on both KyberSwap’s desktop and the android mobile app.

2. Portfolio Performance Charts

On the Portfolio tab on the interface (not the mobile app), users will now be able to view and track their portfolio performance in a simple chart, on top of being able to track their transaction history and token distribution.

Join our KyberSwap telegram to learn more!

