DAY 20: From here to there, funny things are everywhere

Kyle L B Morey
5 min readFeb 23, 2019


From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. ~ Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss saw my future when he wrote the above line of rhyme. If you look through my High School yearbook, along with hair and a set of sideburns, you will find this couplet as my quote. Little did I know then what it would mean to me now.

From there

Nineteen months ago, Denielle and I and five children set out on a journey. We sold our house, quit my job in the non for profit world, put our precious things in a barn (currently cared for by a friend–thanks, Gerry!), and began an adventure in house sitting. To pay the bills, I wrote internationally bestselling books. But, we spent more than we earned. So, we looked into ways we could stretch the almighty US dollar and decided Mexico would be the place to go. Denielle and I were going to set up an Airbnb business, continue to write books, get braces on the kids, and learn the native tongue. Almost, we moved to Monterrey.

To here

Then, after a one-month road trip of visiting with friends and family on the West coast, we changed our minds (some credit goes to an uncle retired from Immigration and the US Border Patrol–he was quite persuasive) and moved to Tuscon. But not before we took the kids across the border and put braces on them.

While in Tucson, we searched for the secret path to success. But it was no secret. We simply needed to work and get our money working for us. What little money we had left, we invested in a new way of doing business in the furniture industry. And twenty days later from that Dr. Suess-like decision, we are living in a million-dollar mansion beta-testing a home-based business model that is set to launch big next month.

Funny things

But we weren’t the first to do something crazy (and fun!) like this. My millionaire mentor and now friend, Larry Kozin–and his Romanian wife, Angie–have been from there to here and here to there and done that. Once more, they just moved from the country we almost moved to to live back in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Somehow, we are blessed to not only follow in their footsteps but to have them right beside us guiding us along the path to financial freedom… in the furniture business.

Here’s an excerpt of their journey from there to here–driven by a mission to help others make millions from their homes–in Larry’s blog.

Goodbye Mexico, hello U.S. and a new home-based business

by Larry Kozin

About 18 months ago, my wife and I decided to do something crazy:

We had recently flipped our Showcase Home in Vegas and ended up selling everything we could not fit in our Lincoln SUV and relocated to Los Cabos, Mexico…which was an entry on our bucket lists.

We had set up a Network of furniture outlets throughout the United States, who purchase our mattresses and blessed to have solid business partners, that take care of the day2day operation.

My activities were focused on R & D of new business divisions, of a parent holding company, that is in the process of going public. We also undertook the possibility of Mexican Expansion and sold higher-end products to American & Canadian vacation homeowners.

The experience was INCREDIBLE, but we were both greatly missing the United States, and with the addition of a new granddaughter in Seattle, and missing family in SoCal, Nevada, Michigan, Canada & Florida, it is now time to pack our clothes and our KozyKat and get back home (before they build the wall).

The deciding issues to return also included; the difficulty of the summers, the power outages, the business & police corruption, and both of us becoming deathly sick on multiple occasions and the concern of health care.

SO…it is on to our next adventure…setting up ShowcaseHomes throughout the United States and helping others achieve their dreams in the Furniture Business.



Larry is, of course, referring to the division we are launching here in Tucson called KozyHome. His vision is to help create a force of homepreneurs–those interested in finding financial freedom at home in the furniture business–and empower them with the tools necessary to be successful where ever they are in the U.S.

“We can give people a chance to choose,” Larry says in a recent MillionairZ.Club phone call. “Think ‘Cotsco’ membership to ‘Pampered Chef’ team building. And something in between. ”

“Yes,” I agree, thinking back on my days of designing a three-tiered membership program for members of my chamber of commerce where I worked. “We would give folks three ways to engage.”

One fish. Two Fish. Three Fish.

Here’s what we are thinking:

1) A consumer-level membership — includes the opportunity to get furniture and beds at wholesale prices from our network of preferred vendors. This could be used for personal consumption or staging purposes.

2) A business-level membership — provides the opportunity to get furniture and beds at wholesale AND a license to resell. This would include back office support and training.

3) A partner-level membership — All the above plus a license, training, and corporate support to organize residual income streams by building teams.

Keeping clean with product prices

With option three, overrides would only be paid out on the membership fees and not on the product. Why? So that KozyHome and all other divisions can continue to offer the product at the best price possible so as to remain competitive (really, to beat the competition on price every time!) in the marketplace. That is key to this division’s success and what separates option three from a traditional MLM model. Product can reign supreme while still building residual income streams.

So, you want quality furniture at wholesale prices? Become a member of the new Costco-like program KozyHome. Want to broker furniture from your home and make some side income? We gotcha covered with KozyHome. Looking to make millions with America’s first home-based all things home party plan program? Then saddle up and come ride with us at KozyHome! For “today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.”

Thank you, Dr. Seuss.

<< DAY 19 ~ DAY 21 >>



Kyle L B Morey

Howdy! I’m a husband to a redhead, a father to the fantastic five, and a son of a loving Father in heaven. I’m also the author of #1 Bestseller, Ask God.