Kyle Pendleton Whyte
5 min readSep 6, 2017


Unfit to serve as President
Is this the person who should be managing a pandemic?


Usually when one invokes the “ad hominem” specter as a criticism, it refers to personally attacking an individual or his character rather than intellectually focusing on the facts, issues, policies, etc. Such attacks are generally considered cheap shots and disparaged.

In my opinion, with respect to President Trump ad hominem attacks are both relevant and appropriate. His total lack of any integrity and inferior character are primary issues. Although he is mentally ill with Malignant Narcissism* and exhibits signs of ADHD and early symptoms of dementia his despicable behavior, lack of any semblance of ethics or morals and his pathological lying and other atrocious personality traits predate his mental illness. There is no mitigating defense for Trump’s despicable character, lack of rectitude or behavior. He should not be excused in any way for his corruption, bullying, cowardice, dishonesty, malice, deceitfulness, ignorance, racism, cheating, being a toxic buffoon, hypocrisy, treachery, crudeness, lying, vindictiveness, bigotry and sexual harassment. (Not an exhaustive list.)

An important characteristic of the office of the President of the United Status (POTUS) is the image presented to the world and the role model for all Americans and particularly our youth. It will take years to fully evaluate the significant damage Trump has caused and will cause as an immoral, unethical, dishonest and corrupt role model. Trump is the antithesis of the values we enshrine as a country and in the office of POTUS. He has decimated the moral authority of the Presidency for our country and worldwide. Trump is completely unfit to represent the United States. He and by extension we have become the laughing stock of the literate world.

Perspective is important. Much of Trump’s real estate business success is a consequence of an initial family loan and inheritance. When combined with his being driven by an ever-escalating insatiable appetite for wealth, power and adulation this has allowed him throughout his entire career to bluff, bully, bribe, cheat and lie to satisfy his avarice and ego. He has been associated with money laundering, organized crime and corruption. He is not a particularly talented businessman. He is the ultimate con artist. Despite cheating and exploiting others in every possible way, in most cases where he has deviated from the relative safety of real estate he has failed, been sued, bankrupted, or left others holding the bag.


Truth is stranger than fiction. George Orwell in “1984” could not have imagined how blatantly a heinous scoundrel like Trump could loudly and repeatedly lie about facts and events that one can clearly and obviously see with one’s own eyes are not true. (“Largest inaugural crowd in history,” Fine nice people marching among the Nazis, White Supremacists, and KKK, in Charlottesville, Thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 9/11, Obama was not born in the US, etc.) This behavior is the intersection of delusion and pathological lying. BUT if you tell a lie loud enough and often enough the weak-minded, blind loyalists and fanatics will believe it. As in 1984 Trump reverses his opinion and denies the existence of his earlier positions. He even deletes Tweets that prove inconvenient. A key safeguard for Trump’s obscene habitual lying and distortion of facts is the free press which is why Trump constantly, aggressively, and unrelentingly attempts to de-legitimize the constitutionally safeguarded role of the Fourth Estate. This “Fake News” obsession continues daily as a major theme. Unfortunately Trump has effective survival instincts. He may be crazy and ignorant, but he is not stupid.


Those who attribute Trump’s erratic, unpredictable behavior to secret brilliant tactics and strategies are simply wrong. Trump’s unpredictability is largely due to his reckless, irresponsible behavior, impulsiveness and apparent ADHD. But Trump is a master opportunist and an immature bullying street-smart fighter. He seizes on opportunities blundered into.

From the public record Trump reveals that he is relatively ignorant, shallow and an anti-intellectual. He is unethical, amoral and corrupt. Trump is often inarticulate and has difficulty completing sentences. “Believe me,” he has an “amazing” “fantastic” “incredible” limited vocabulary, “that I can tell you.” Trump repeats phrases ad nauseam laced with hyperbole instead of content. He is crude, crass, immature and unprofessional. His speeches and ideas generally lack meaningful content or depth; many touted awards are phony and books ghostwritten. Like all snake-oil bunco artists Trump regularly asserts that any benefit or positive consequence of his behavior or policies will occur in the future, “believe me” you will “become tired of winning,” “Mexico will pay for the wall later,” “I will disclose my tax return after the audit,” “you will find out soon,” “it will be the best health care ever,”etc. Trump is an excellent cheerleader and chameleon. Independent of his Malignant Narcissism and apparent early stage dementia he is a despicable human being, he is a malignant festering pustule on the asshole of humanity.

Trump is a phony and a charlatan who has cynically seized on a chord that resonates with a significant portion of the electorate, he communicates well to their needs, biases, anti-PC sentiment and frustration.

Nothing Trump says can be believed or relied upon. If it’s not an outright lie it’s a convenient position that he will change for any reason to his personal advantage. Outside his popular core “agenda” and reversing or sabotaging Obama’s accomplishments Trump has no meaningful convictions. Trump’s pernicious presidency will implode in infamy. The only “learning curve” we can expect is his learning to hide his psychosis. Those who tolerate his behavior out of respect for the Office of the President, political expediency or party loyalty will eventually denounce him. As they do, the failing presidency, having damaged the country, our international reputation, the values of our youth and democracy, will spiral into a tragic ignominious accident of history. Trump is unfit to serve as POTUS!

Unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.


IMO Best of class Trump video link

Kyle Pendleton Whyte

Dr. Whyte is a nonpartisan/Independent. His background includes being a tenured Professor of Psychology, seven year Chairman of the Department of Psychology.