Kyle Pendleton Whyte
5 min readJul 27, 2017


Is this the person who should be managing a pandemic?


(Malignant Narcissism)

Let’s just tell it like it is — what many people suspect but for a variety of reasons cannot (or will not) fully express: The delusional, unstable, pathological liar in the Oval Office is dangerously mentally ill.

Delusional, Pathological Liar

It is my conviction that President Trump’s behavior and unleashing certain initiatives will have and is having catastrophic consequences to democracy, the country’s social/moral fabric, economy, debt, international relations and prestige, precipitating unnecessary conflicts and possibly catastrophic military action. Trump’s aggressive, unrelenting de-legitimization of the constitutionally safeguarded role of the free press, his disdain for transparency, his penchant for stimulating divisiveness, his need to target and belittle those who disagree with him and his scapegoating of minorities is a collection of behavior we have not seen so prominently manifested in a First World leader since the rise of Hitler.

The reference to Hitler is not gratuitous but is important in helping to understand the dangerous threat of Trump’s psychosis. As he is pressured, held to account for his behavior, fails to achieve his initiatives, caught in blatant lies and ultimately cornered, Trump, like Hitler near the end of the war, could easily conclude that the people, for whom he already has disdain, are not worthy to thrive or even survive. If this deluded conclusion is exaggerated it could motivate Trump to unleash atrocious policies and adventurism to distract our attention from inconvenient issues and demonstrate his power. Such irresponsible lashing out could escalate into the juggernaut of military action or war, bringing to the country the misery Trump believes it deserves for not unquestioningly obeying and idolizing him.

Also a Psychopath

President Trump’s behavior is consistent with a diagnosis of a dangerous mental illness/psychosis termed Malignant Narcissism (a controversial combination of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathic Personality Disorder). This diagnosis can be made if a relevant subset of the following markers is present in the extreme:

1. Pathological lying and never hesitating to lie or make up “facts” either to accomplish his ends or for self-aggrandizement.

2. Grandiosity — having a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerating achievements and talents, expecting to be recognized as superior).

3. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, and wealth.

4. Lack of conscience, moral compass and empathy.

5. Extreme Egocentrism.

6. Paranoia.

7. Erratic, Thin Skinned, Irritable and easily provoked, Belligerent, and constantly engaged in attacking, bulling, belittling perceived enemies.

8. Sadistic streak.

9. Sense of Entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance by others with his expectations.

10. Apparent high functioning.

11. Psychological need for power and a sense of importance.

12. Interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends.

13. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

14. Projects own bad behavior onto others.

15. Believes he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people.

16. Manipulative and aggressive nature.

17. Requires constant and excessive admiration and adulation.

It is obvious that Trump objectively exemplifies all of these symptoms and behaviors in the extreme. He has Malignant Narcissism. He is a delusional psychotic and pathological liar.

Trump’s inability to satisfy his ever-escalating insatiable appetite for wealth, power and adulation will likely precipitate more extreme psychotic behavior. Such psychotic behavior (Malignant Narcissism) could trigger a catastrophe for the country, possibly for civilization.

Cheerleader and Chameleon

From the public record Trump reveals that he is relatively ignorant, shallow and an anti-intellectual. He is unethical, amoral and corrupt. Trump is often inarticulate and has difficulty completing sentences. He has a limited vocabulary, mostly superlatives and hyperbole. His speeches and ideas generally lack meaningful content or depth; many touted awards are phony and books ghostwritten. Trump is an excellent cheerleader and chameleon. Independent of his apparent early stage dementia he is a despicable charlatan who has cynically seized on a chord that resonates with a significant portion of the electorate and he communicates well to their needs, biases, anti-PC sentiment and frustration. Unfortunately, some of this frustration originated from certain of President Obama’s policies, and perceived socialism and anti-patriotism. These Obama policies and the concern that Hillary Clinton would, if elected, continue with many of them set the stage for an electoral overreaction in favor of Trump.

There would be no Trump had there been no Obama.

It is clear from the above that Trump is mentally ill, incompetent and dangerously unfit for the Office of President. Nothing he says can be believed, he has no meaningful convictions. Trump’s pernicious presidency will implode in infamy. The only “learning curve” we can expect is his learning to hide his psychosis. Those who tolerate his behavior out of respect for the Office of the President, political expediency or party loyalty will eventually denounce him as the failing presidency, having damaged the country and democracy, spirals into a tragic ignominious accident of history.

It is essential that we restore integrity, stability, credibility and competence to the Office of the President. Trump must be removed from office through impeachment or removal from office per the 25th amendment as being incapacitated, unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office or unfit to serve as President.


Link here for: An Ad Hominem Critique

Link here for: Bluff, Bully & Bribe

Link here for: Pathological Liar

Link here for Best of class Trump musical video.

Kyle Pendleton Whyte

Dr. Whyte is a nonpartisan/Independent. His background includes being a tenured Professor of Psychology, seven year Chairman of the Department of Psychology.