Why I wouldn't say I like webinars

Lady Chocolate
4 min readMar 12, 2024


Webinars have been very popular in the last few years. As I remember, I knew about them in 2018. It was something new, and interesting, giving you hope to receive some knowledge for free. They became extremely popular later, during the pandemic time when everyone was stuck at home and had to work and search for entertainment from their room.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Then the more I watched, the less I liked them. And a few last webinars confirmed that webinars are just spending time.

Firstly, usually, the topic of a webinar is different from what they are promising in the advertising.

The second thing that I don’t like, is that bloggers introduce themselves very long time. They say their names, where they were studying, what certificates they have, who they live with, and non-stop positions that they have, sometimes, even positions, that do not exist, that they created by themselves. I don’t need this information. I opened this link to listen to the information that you promised to say. That’s why I started to open the webinar links 30–45 minutes later, to skip this annoying information.

Photo by Mikayla Mallek on Unsplash

The next thing that I don’t like, is that they miss the topic (sometimes they say about the topic around five minutes, and that’s all) and start to sell their courses.

One more thing that I can’t stand is the crazy, not reasonable price of their courses. Sometimes it costs more than studying at the university. But the level of knowledge is different.

Some bloggers promise you to grow your YouTube channel. But all of these bits of advice you can get for free, also on YouTube.

Some of them promise you to give a new profession. After courses, people are staying with the debs, without any job, and with bad feelings.

One of the last webinars that I watched was about fears — “How to stop to be afraid”. A lot of people have some experience and some fear, and of course, it was interesting to know, how to deal with it. Sounds like a psychological topic. I like psychology and decided to watch it. The answer to the main question I didn’t hear. The webinar lasted around 2 hours or more. When the blogger started to sell her course (that was about tarot cards), one girl wrote, that she didn’t hear the answer. At that moment, the blogger became very mad, and said pretty rude, that she was so sorry, that this girl spent time for nothing. Like that girl didn’t listen at all. But I also didn’t hear anything about it.

When a lot of people wrote that the price is extremely high, the blogger answered that you can take a loan, but if you don’t want to, it’s just an excuse, because — money is never a problem.

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

This phrase disappointed me, because how can she know in what conditions lives another person. You don’t have the right to force anybody to take a loan to receive money for yourself.

Also, there was a trick, the blogger said, imagine that you are 10 years living in the same conditions, what would you feel? And now, imagine, how your life can change, you can wish for anything. What do you feel now about your new rich life? Everyone wrote that they felt good. So later, when people refused the purchase, the blogger said, that all of these people would be practically as miserable, as they are now if they didn’t want to buy a course.

Since that webinar, I decided that I don’t want to spend time on this anymore. If I want some knowledge, I’ll go to trustful services, where people prepare the real courses, without any bunnies in the hats.

And one more reason, why I don’t like the webinars, is that you leave your information in the form and receive tons of spam.

And what do you think about webinars? Did you watch something worthwhile?

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