Getting your Polygon Wallet Ready

Laguna Games
4 min readNov 3, 2021


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We know a lot of you are excited to participate in our Genesis Egg Sale on November 15! We’ve prepared a short guide to make sure that you will be ready to mint your unicorn eggs on the Polygon network.

This guide will cover how to:

1. Set up your MetaMask wallet for Polygon, and

2. Fund your Polygon wallet.

Step 1: Setup MetaMask for Polygon

You should already have the Metamask wallet installed in your browser, which you used to register for our whitelist. Your wallet address is the same on Polygon as it is on Ethereum. (Our guide will use Metamask, but any other Polygon-compatible wallet is also supported.)

The first step, if you haven’t done so yet, is to add the Polygon chain to your Metamask wallet.

Switch the connected blockchain by clicking on the tab “Main Ethereum Network”.

Scroll down until you find Custom RPC.

Enter in the Polygon/Matic Mainnet settings as follows:

Click Save.

Great job! You have now connected to the Polygon blockchain with your Metamask Wallet.

2. Fund your Polygon wallet

The next step is to get funds into your Polygon wallet. You will need:

  1. WETH to pay for the Egg mint on our website
  2. a small amount of MATIC ($1–2 worth) for gas fees

(If you bridge ETH, you will receive WETH on the Polygon chain. It’s full name is “PoS-WETH” on Polygon and it has the contract address — 0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619 )

Just as transactions on the Ethereum network requires ETH for gas fees, transactions on the Polygon network requires MATIC for gas fees. However, gas fees are much lower on Polygon, with $1-$2 worth of MATIC being sufficient for approximately 1,000 transactions.

There are many ways to fund your Polygon Wallet, and we will go over 2 of the main options:

Option A: Bridge tokens from Ethereum to Polygon

If you have existing funds in a wallet on Ethereum, you can bridge them to your wallet on Polygon. NOTE: This can sometimes be expensive due to Ethereum’s high network fees.

One of the most popular ways of bridging from Ethereum to Polygon Is through Polygon’s official PoS Bridge.

You can refer to this guide on using the official Polygon bridge.

We recommend bridging ETH, DAI, USDC, MATIC or other tokens supported by the Swap for Gas utility. After you bridge, you can use this utility to convert a small amount of your tokens to MATIC.

It will take about 7 minutes for your funds to complete the bridge using the PoS Bridge. If you want instant bridges to Polygon, you can alternatively bridge using Celer and Hop protocols.

Option B: Transfer from a token exchange

Several exchange platforms support withdrawing tokens to external Polygon wallets, and also are the best way to use a credit card or bank account to turn fiat (U.S. Dollars) into crypto. Here is a video tutorial on how to withdraw MATIC from They allow you to use fiat and buy crypto directly on Polygon chain (to avoid Ethereum gas), but there is also a waiting period before you can transfer funds out to Metamask.

Binance: Go to your Fiat and Spot Wallet, look for Matic and click on Withdraw. Key in your MetaMask wallet and select “MATIC” in the network.

OKEx: OKEx allows the direct withdrawal of MATIC to the Polygon network.

Coinbase: Doesn’t currently support withdrawals to Polygon wallets, but this may change soon. For now, you will need to transfer to an Ethereum wallet, and then bridge to Polygon (see Option A above).

That’s It!

As you can see, there’s quite a few different ways to get funds into your Polygon wallet, and it can be a bit confusing for those doing this for the first time. We’d recommend that you ask the community in our Discord if you have questions, and we’ve also listed some additional resources below.



Laguna Games

Laguna Games is a world class game development and R&D studio, specializing in blockchain technology.