Top 10 African Companies with Tradable Shares for Investment

Laster Ogola
6 min readApr 26, 2024


Top 10 African Companies with Tradable Shares for Investment

Top 10 African Companies with Tradable Shares for Investment. Investments in the African Stock Exchange will surely expose you to the continent’s growth potential. Africa’s many economies are experiencing rapid growth patterns, thanks to urbanization, consumption, infrastructure development and rising middleclass. Chances of expanding your portfolio is relatively higher if you invest in African companies, thus reducing dependence on a single market or region. And since Africa is so endowed with natural resources, investing in such companies offers you opportunities to benefit from their exploitation and export.

Since most, if not all of the African companies are in an emerging market, this offers higher returns in the long term compared to more developed markets. Buying shares in efficiently run African companies with strong foundational elements will offer you the opportunity to exploit this potential and accumulate wealth over time. Through the African Stock Exchange, you could also invest in African companies to contribute to job creation, infrastructure development, and economic empowerment in the region.

However, it is crucial to understand that buying shares through the African Stock Exchange also carries risks such as political instability, currency fluctuations, regulatory challenges, and liquidity concerns. So you must ensure that you make thorough research and careful consideration of the individual companies and market conditions before making any investment decision. There are hundreds of thousands of professional financial advisors that you could consult to gain valuable insights and guidance on matters regarding African markets.

Nevertheless, here are the top 10 African companies that are regarded as prominent for investment;

  1. MTN Group

MTN Group is one of the leading telecommunication companies in sub-Saharan Africa, and also operating in some Asian countries to provide mobile and internet services. Buying shares in MTN through the African Stock Exchange exposes you to a dominant market position and ensures that you benefit from a large customer base and established infrastructure. Moreover, MTN Group offers a range of services beyond traditional voice and data. This includes fintech solutions, which can contribute to revenue stability.

2. Naspers Limited

Naspers Limited is a multinational Media Group that has its headquarters in South Africa, and listed on Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Naspers Limited has significant investments in internet and entertainment companies worldwide. If you desire to buy shares through the African Stock Exchange, invest in Naspers to enjoy investments in a variety of sectors such as technology, e-commerce, and entertainment. With investments in companies such as Tencent, Naspers benefits from global market opportunities and potential high returns. Since it is also in an emerging market, Naspers offers you the opportunity to tap into growth potential in regions such as Asia and Latin America. Naspers is also found in South Africa, China, India, Brazil, Russia and others.

3. Safaricom Plc

Safaricom Plc is one of the leading companies in Kenya, and the best telecommunications company in the country, known for its mobile money service, M-Pesa. Safaricom holds a significant market share in Kenya’s telecommunications sector, particularly in mobile voice and data services, hence providing a stable revenue base for people who want to invest through the African Stock Exchange.

4. Nigerian Breweries Plc

Nigerian Breweries Plc is among Nigeria’s largest breweries, producing a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Buying shares in Nigerian Breweries ensures that you associate yourself with a dominant player in the countries beverage industry, that also has a strong distribution countrywide. There is also the added advantage of relative stability of demand for beverages regardless of the economy hence a defensive investment opportunity in African Stock Exchange.

5. Standard Bank Group Limited

Standard Bank Group Limited is Africa’s largest banking group by assets, and present in at least 20 African countries. This implies that it has an extensive presence across the continent, therefore, buying shares in Standard Bank Group ensures that you have diversified revenue streams and exposure to multiple markets with growth potential. Standard Bank Group also offers a variety of banking services to both retail and corporate clients, hence benefiting from Africa’s growing middle class and the ever expanding business sector. Standard Bank Group also has a track record of stable financial performance and sound risk management practices, hence boosting your confidence to buy shares. Standard Bank Group is found in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, and others.

6. FirstRand Limited

FirstRand Limited is one of the leading financial service groups that offer banking, insurance, and investment products in South Africa. Investing in FirstRand Limited will ensure that you have access to diversification and revenue stability. This is because it operates across multiple segments of the financial service industry. This includes retail banking, investment banking and insurance among other services. Investing your hard-earned money in FirstRand through the Johannesburg Stock Exchange is the right move because the company has a significant market share in South Africa’s banking sector, with a large customer base and extensive branch network.

7. Ecobank Transnational Incorporated

Ecobank Transnational Incorporated is a Pan-African banking corporation operating in at least 30 African countries, with headquarters in Togo. This ensures a robust presence in various African markets and diversified revenue streams. Ecobank also focuses on financial inclusion even to underserved markets, thus tapping into the potential of unbanked populations and subsequently driving growth in that context.

8. Dangote Cement Plc

Dangote Cement Plc is the largest cement producer in Africa with operations in Nigera, Ethiopia, and South Africa among others. Buying shares in Dangote Cement ensures that you are investing in a company with a leading market position throughout Africa. Dangote Cement benefits from economies of scale and a strong brand presence, factors that contribute to Dangote’s profitability and potential for growth, hence valuable in the African Stock Exchange. You should also know that the existence of Dangote Cement is suitable thanks to the ongoing infrastructure development projects in Africa. This has increased the demand for cement in sectors such as construction and real estate. Also, there is a vertical integration strategy by Dangote Cement that includes backward integration into raw materials like limestone and forward integration into concrete products. This has enhanced its competitive advantage, hence providing confidence in your investment.

9. AngloGold Ashanti Limited

AngloGold Ashanti Limited is a transnational gold mining company with headquarters in South Africa. The company’s financial performance is closely tied to the price of gold, hence exposing shareholders to gold price movements and potential upside during periods of gold appreciation. Also the company operates mines in various countries thus reducing geopolitical risks and providing diversification in terms of production and reserves. Your investments are also in a relatively safer company since the company boasts a robust production portfolio, comprising mines at different stages of development. This provides a stable and potentially growing production foundation for you to buy shares. AngloGold Ashanti Limited is found in South Africa, Ghana, Tanzania and Mali among others.

10. Shoprite Holdings Limited

Shoprite Holdings Limited is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and is the largest food retailer in Africa. Shoprite Holdings operates supermarkets and hypermarkets in various countries within the continent. Buying shares in Shoprite Holdings ensures that your investments are placed in a dominant player in Africa’s retail sector. You benefit from a large store network, strong brand recognition, and economies of scale. The company also offers a variety of food and non-food products that cater to distinct consumer desires and preferences, hence contributing to revenue stability. Shoprite Holdings operates in a number of countries like South Africa, Nigera, Zambia, Angola and others.

