Laszlo Hadhazi
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi


1 story

An illustration of tangled line from “Start” to “Finish” under the text “Design is a mess,” representing the chaotic nature of the design process.
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

User goal and task flow

1 story

A person trying to buy a shirt with voice assitance
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

About API

1 story

Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Design process

8 stories

Pyramid of strategy showing the North Star metric with several input metrics, tracing one metric down through several opportunities, one opportunity down through several primary user benefits, and one benefit down through several solutions
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Design system

23 stories

Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Form design

1 story

Image showing two examples. One image is showing a multi-page form and the other is showing one long form.
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi


1 story

Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Agile design

1 story

A photo of four wooden booths, each with different colour.
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Data table

2 stories

Building responsive table components from a single cell.
Table design with infographics
Laszlo Hadhazi

Laszlo Hadhazi

Figma prototype

1 story