Ring box with two rings
In addition to buying rings, who knew I had to buy a box?

Engagement Ring Alternatives and Flipping the Script

LaTeisha Moore
2 min readMar 7, 2020

I hate how rings look on my fingers. Rather than long, slender, lady fingers I have small, squatty, child hands. Personal aesthetics aside, I like the freedom of not worrying about rings when I work out or wash my hands.

When I decided to propose to my partner, I faced the possibility of wearing a ring every day and I did all the research I could to avoid it.

Alternatives to Engagement Rings

I remember these options crossing my mind and coming up in my Google searches:

  • Tattoos
  • Silicon rings
  • Necklaces/bracelets
  • Pets
  • Artwork

A few — very few — other options came up. None of them were compelling. We were already planning to get artwork and pets. If I didn’t want to wear a ring, would I want to wear a necklace every day? Would he? Silicon rings were a frugal and functional idea, but uninspiring (minus the fact they’re lifesaving for certain occupations!). Tattoos seemed like the best option but apparently they fade quickly.

I Put a Ring on It

In my quest to avoid matrimonial jewelry, I realized I wasn’t fully taking my partner’s needs in mind. Sure, I had thought about whether he’d want to sport a neckpiece or ink but I hadn’t considered whether he would want to wear a ring. I imagined he would want to wear it proudly as a public symbol of our love. It was a sweet thought and it made me cave.

We’re both wearing our engagement rings now which makes me happy. We bucked another convention: the one where in a hetero-appearing relationship the woman bears a symbol of commitment whereas the man who gave it to her does not.

This post is part of my WriteMarch series, a commitment to write daily for a month.



LaTeisha Moore

Service design lead at an innovation lab inside of a nonprofit closing the opportunity divide in service of the future of work