Fortune Cookie, Writer’s Block

LaTeisha Moore
1 min readMar 14, 2020

After 30 years of writing cookie-encased messages, Donald Lau stepped down from his post as Chief Fortune Writer.

The short Vice feature highlights how Lau used to write 100 fortunes a year, but later struggled to produce two or three a month. Part of the reason seemed to be because now “diners look to their cookies less for predictions about the future and more for hollow New Age aphorisms.”

After POTUS 45 announced a national state of emergency today, I also experienced my own case of writer’s block and unease with the world. And with that, here’s the cookie message I authored to keep my terribly timed WriteMarch commitment.

Fortune cookie reads, “You’ll find it in the last place you look”
Message created in

This post is part of my WriteMarch series, a commitment to write daily for a month.



LaTeisha Moore

Service design lead at an innovation lab inside of a nonprofit closing the opportunity divide in service of the future of work