My WriteMarch Commitment: Lessons on a Daily Practice

LaTeisha Moore
2 min readMar 9, 2020

I’m about a week in to my commitment to write daily for the month of March. It’s a good time to check in with myself and what I’m learning:

  • I wanted more time to prepare for WriteMarch but it was more important to start. As part of the preparation, it would have been nice to have a fun dedicated site for the project. A website could instead follow the month as a record of it.
  • Similarly, I wanted to develop an optimal daily ritual that aligned my energy cycles with the creative phases. I found it was more important to start writing whenever it was I made the time (which has been in the evenings).
  • I would have liked to have time to spend on the imagery (or selections) to accompany my posts and enhance the reading experience.
  • I have stories that come easily to tell in person but I’ve held back on telling online so far.
  • Even on the days where I have little energy (like now), I’ve make myself write. This means I’m not producing necessarily the most brilliant pieces but I’m honoring the practice by showing up.
  • Some days it’s tough to write about what I know because of what I know is happening in the world.
  • I’m always a bit surprised by what comes out when I put fingers to the keyboard.

This post is part of my WriteMarch series, a commitment to write daily for a month.



LaTeisha Moore

Service design lead at an innovation lab inside of a nonprofit closing the opportunity divide in service of the future of work