BOXFOX branded box with a bow

Remote Hugs: Physical Care Packages in a Virtual World

LaTeisha Moore
2 min readMar 18, 2020

“Good morning! Has anyone received their care packages?…” When I read the Slack message, it reminded me I hadn’t checked my mail in days. I was totally succeeding at pandemic social distancing.

Opening the box was a joyful moment. So much so that I ended up taking a photo before and after the unboxing. Enclosed was a nice note from the Within team and Facebook (a Within Cities sponsor) with some goodies to promote self-care.

FOXBOX contents with a note, beauty mask, phone wipes, and scented candle
Care package sent from Within and Facebook

As part of the Within Cities Leadership Circles program, I meet monthly in person with about 15 peers for delicious dinners, facilitated discussions, and peer coaching around specific design leadership challenges. The program runs for six months and we’re part of a program launch that kicked off in January.

The program is exceptionally run with an exceptional group of womxn. I look forward to the dinners each month and was disappointed when we moved to a virtual gathering in March due to COVID-19. I’m appreciative we’re still meeting though. Receiving the care package made the experience that much better.

The box was such a thoughtful touch that it made me wonder how I could create my own care package and encourage others to do so. I heard of BOXFOX a long time ago but had never used it. It turns out an all-womxn team is behind the company which makes the Within gift on brand. The website makes it seem simple to send curated personal and corporate gifts. I’m inspired!

In a time of social distancing, we have the opportunity to connect in ways that create social togetherness.

This post is part of my WriteMarch series, a commitment to write daily for a month.



LaTeisha Moore

Service design lead at an innovation lab inside of a nonprofit closing the opportunity divide in service of the future of work