The word “Burrito” in white lettering against a red background
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Rice Doesn’t Belong in a Burrito

LaTeisha Moore
1 min readMar 11, 2020

The little bomb-shaped meal makes me want to explode with anger. In New York, and maybe elsewhere, too many burritos come overstuffed with rice.

Don’t get me wrong, I love carbs. I especially love them with warm meat, cheese, condiments, and other toppings or fillings. It’s about balance and proportion. In the burger world, there’s a concept of the burger-to-bun ratio. When it comes to burritos, the concept of balance is thrown out the window.

I wasn’t always anti-rice; the food world made me that way. When a burrito’s rice comprises more than half the combined total of all other ingredients, it’s just wrong. I’ve hacked my own version of a rice-free burrito by ordering a quesadilla with the ingredients I’d want in a burrito. It’s not perfect. In fact, now it tips the balance of cheese.

The only thing worse than a burrito with too much rice? A breakfast burrito with rice. Seriously? WTF!?!

It’s late now and time for me to make a bed burrito.

This post is part of my WriteMarch series, a commitment to write daily for a month.



LaTeisha Moore

Service design lead at an innovation lab inside of a nonprofit closing the opportunity divide in service of the future of work