Accomplish Your Goals by Following These 4 Simple Steps

Laura Jaramillo
5 min readFeb 26, 2018


“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you into becoming the person it takes to achieve them.”-Jim Rohn

Take a few minutes to reflect on the words above.

The skills and lessons you learn in the process of working on your goals are far more valuable than what you achieve. So always set goals designed to make you become someone worth becoming.

Accomplishing your goals is simple, but not easy. It requires you think deeply, plan strategically, and commit fully. But following through with your plans will bring you closer to becoming the person you want to be. So start now, and if you need guidance, here’s how:

“Mental creation precedes physical creation…” –Stephen Covey

Write daily. The first two steps should be completed in written form on a daily basis. Creating, developing, writing, re-writing your goals daily will help you reframe your conscious and subconscious mind into one of creativity and abundance (Hardy).

Step 1: Finding Your Vision and Setting Your Goals

Develop a Vision


What is it that you want to create?

Who is it that you want to become?


Tony Robbins puts it simply. You want to develop a vision focused on creating something rather than getting rid of it. For example: “I want to follow a healthier lifestyle” versus “I want to lose 10 pounds.”

Focusing on what you’re going to get and who you’re going to become makes your journey inspiring, valuable, and open to endless opportunities for a better product and a better YOU!

Find Your Reasons

Identify the reasons for your vision. Your reasons must be strong and meaningful. They need to come from deep inside your core because they will determine the level of commitment and perseverance you put towards achieving your goals.

Here’s an exercise you can do to find the “why” resting deeply in your core. I learned this technique from Benjamin Hardy’s Journal Mastery Course, and it is how I found my “why.”

  1. State why you want to accomplish your goal.
    Ex: I want to be financially independent.
  2. Then ask yourself, what about _______ is important to me?
    Ex: What about being financially independent is important to me?
  3. Then repeat this same question with each new response 7 times.
  4. Be very honest with yourself as you get closer to the 7th trial.
  5. You will realize the reason(s) to accomplish your goals are much more powerful when they are rooted in your soul.

If you don’t have good enough reasons, chances are you will not stick to your vision.

Write your Goals

Write down the set of goals intended to materialize your vision.

When writing your goals:

a. Use affirmative language. Believe that you’ve already got them. This will help you attract opportunities and develop an abundant mindset (Hardy).

b. Make them quantifiable. Set dates and numbers in order to track your improvement. Check them off as you complete them to keep yourself accountable for your growth (Hardy).

c. Organize them. However you want. Put them into categories, date order, or in any way that makes them easily accessible to you.

d. Prioritize. Comes time for your to-do list, prioritize. Begin with the ones that need to happen first and move forward. One at a time.

Step 2: Plan

“The future does not get better by hope it gets better by plan.” –Jim Rohn

Ask yourself these guiding questions prior to writing your plan:

  1. How am I going to accomplish my goals?
  2. Where do I to start?
  3. What do I need to learn and/or change to become ______?
  4. How much time and money do I need to invest?
  5. Who do I need to meet to get _________?
  6. Whose help will I need?
  7. Who will I give to?
  8. How can I approach or begin my step by step plan?

Create a Plan.

Create a step by step plan. Include everything you need to learn, the people you need to meet, those whose help you will require, and those to whom you plan to give. Include the time, money, and resources you need to invest in order to become the person you are striving you be.

Choose a format that is clear and suitable for you. It could be a list, a paragraph, or a map — or whatever floats your boat.

Set Deadlines Intentionally.

Set deadlines intentionally for each goal. This will hold you accountable for your achievements -or lack thereof, and help you track your growth.


Plan for situations in which you may find yourself going against the current. In most cases, all you may need is to revisit your “reasons” or “why’s” to remind yourself that your dreams are worth fighting for. Obstacles are put on our way to test us. Act, don’t react.

Pave every step of the way with intention.

Step 3. Take Action and Learn to Enjoy the Process

Stay Sharp and Focused.

Taking action is difficult. Life gets in the way of opportunities. Distractions are all around us. This is why it is so important to make it a daily habit to write your goals. It keeps you sharp and focused. It is when you operate at an optimal that you seek for and create opportunities to take action.

Make it Happen.

Put yourself in an environment or situation in which you are forced to take action. Sign up for a course that you have to pay for. Make yourself reliable to others. Whatever it is, you must feel compelled to go through with your plans (Hardy).

Invest Time and Money.

Especially money. Investing money in your goals is the most effective way to accomplishing them. It pushes us to get them done. Benjamin Hardy explains the most common factor in reaching a point of no return experience in your life or career is investing money. The point of no return is the moment in which you fully commit to your goals and eliminate all alternatives. Either go hard or go home.

Enjoy the Process

Ultimately, learn to enjoy the process. Achieving your goals requires time. Give yourself time. Give others time. Enjoy and learn from the process(Rhon). “Success is a journey, not a destination” -Arthur Ashe. Make the journey AWESOME!

Step 4- Prepare to Fall and Get Back Up

When you fall, because you will, be ready to get back up. Not once. Not twice. But over and over and over again. Until it becomes part of your nature.


“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow. Don’t give up.” –Robert Tew

Thank you for reading this article! I hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day!

Check out my articles:
“A 4 Step Morning Routine that Can Change Your Life Completely”
“Treat Yourself the Way You Want Others to Treat You”
“How Personal Development Changed My Life”

Laura Jaramillo

Works Cited:

“Get Motivation Motivation, Self Improvement, and Success Strategies.” Jim Rohn Articles — Four Steps to Success!,

Hardy, Benjamin. “Forcing Functions.” Journal Mastery Course, The Evolution of Success, 2017. Web. Feb. 2018.

Hardy, Benjamin. “Set Specific, Quantifiable, and BIG goals.” Journal Mastery Course, The Evolution of Success, 2017. Web. Feb. 2018.

“Get Motivation Motivation, Self Improvement, and Success Strategies.” Jim Rohn Articles — Four Steps to Success!,

