Lauren Gallaway
3 min readNov 30, 2019

You’ve Got Mail

“You’ve got mail.” Three perfect words and a perfect movie.

Hello friends!

I’m currently sitting in bed watching one of my favorite films, You’ve Got Mail. It’s currently streaming on Amazon Prime if you want to watch along.

Last night I blogged about Blink-182 and Twitch streamers. It was a short but sweet post in the vein of blogging. Do you guys remember blogging? Like actual LiveJournal, MySpace, Blogger blogging? It seems like a lost art form.

I know that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are considered micro-blogging, so maybe it’s not a lost art form, it’s just become a shortened art form.

So why am I here blogging? As Meg Ryan says in the film, “I just want to send this cosmic question into the void.” I know exactly how she feels. I woke up this morning asking Facebook a question. I asked them for encouragement when you’re single and having a rough day. And I am having a rough day. Yes. I’m in a serotonin drain from the holiday parties and the late nights and I’m just spent.

To be honest, I think I need some real sleep. Sadly, today I woke up feeling more single than ever. Most days being single doesn’t bother me, but today it does. Ironically, Meg Ryan’s character in the movie is in a relationship and she feels just as lonely as I do. I take some comfort in knowing that this sense of longing, this sense of wanting to belong to or with another person is something most people feel in their lifetime.

In the film, both Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are seeing other people. These people don’t fulfill them, however, and they find a kindred connection with one another “online”. It’s really a sweet story, one that I relate to because I know what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t fit.

Sometimes I look back on past relationships and think, “why did I ever let them go?” It’s so easy to think of all the good times, all the fun, all the cuddles, and snuggles, and things we had in common. But then I remember where we didn’t fit. And then I start to think about what it would have been like had we stayed together. Would I be so lonely now? Would we have found a way to fit? Did I do the wrong thing in letting them go? Did I make a mistake?

These are questions that can never be answered. All that I can do is hope for the best in the future. Maybe I’ll meet someone online, like in this movie. Maybe I’ll meet someone while shopping one day, like so many of my friends. I don’t really know how anyone finds anyone these days, but it happens. My Facebook is filled with friends who no longer alone.

I’m not sure why I felt like baring my soul this way to you today, but here we are. Single and watching my favorite movie. Maybe one day I’ll have mail from someone I love. Someone who loves to read and listen to music, someone who loves technology and streaming and having fun both indoors and outdoors. Someone who can sing all the words to “Such Great Heights” and “Part of Your World.” Someone who is as spiritual, as eclectic, and as well-traveled as me. Someone who fits.

Dear someone, are you out there? I’m here. I’m waiting in the coffee shop, like Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail, with a red rose in a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice. I’ll save you a seat.


Lauren Gallaway

Social Media Coordinator for IGN! Lover of punk, ska, superheroes, Star Trek, Disneyland, cozy mystery novels, and good coffee.