Building a Proof-of-Concept for the Idea Wall

Laurent Balmelli
Model-Driven Conceptual Design
11 min readOct 24, 2019


Visual Concept Making 4/5

This series of articles is related to the conceptual design of products and services, in particular with the goal of assessing their feasibility. I introduce a methodology that I named Visual Concept Making whose goal is to provide a series of steps to assess the difficulty in realizing a particular design. The methodology is then focused on testing feasibility criteria of a product idea and used in the scope of more general approach such as the construction of a Minimum Viable Product in the Lean Startup Methodology. These articles are in support of the graduate class on product design that I teach in Japan every year in October.

All articles in this series

Set Your Expectations

In the last article I explained how to build a concept model which describes a technology-agnostic view of the product structure and behavior. This is because leaving the product or service model open to interpretation regarding possible technological or operational incarnations bolster creativity.



Laurent Balmelli
Model-Driven Conceptual Design

Professional in cyber-security, innovation, life-long learner; startup with successful exit; Guest professor at Keio University Grad. School, Tokyo Japan