Resolution Check-In: Month Four

Laura Blankenship
2 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

I’m late in writing this post. I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks. Last month, I wrote about my struggles to achieve some of my goals, especially exercise. In April, some of those struggles continue. I did not make my walking goal last month, though I came close. I’m repeating my April walking goal for this month, and I’m already on track to achieve that. It will still take some effort, but it’s in reach.

I checked off a couple of bingo squares, so my bingo card is looking promising. If I achieved two bingos, I think that would be satisfying.

I’m so close to getting one bingo, but the “Read 15 Books” square is taunting me. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my struggles with reading. I set what I think is a reasonable goal, though I thought I’d be further along by now. In recent weeks, I’ve recommitted to reading regularly. Now, I have two books nearly finished. I have several books, either in digital or physical form, that I can pick up when I’ve finished those.

Like March, I didn’t really make any progress on the social front. Many old friends visited in April, so I didn’t feel pressed to find other connections. So far this month, I’ve traveled to visit my kids. I’m struggling to connect here, which makes me long to live elsewhere. Still, I need to give this a chance, so this month, I’ll find something to do that creates connections. I’m regularly checking events, and I joined an online group that hosts regular activities (though, admittedly, I’m not finding the vibe very inspiring). I only have a couple of weeks remaining to make this happen.

It’s slow and steady progress with a little one step forward, two steps back thrown in for good measure. I’m trying to maintain some momentum, at least. We’ll see how next month goes.

