12 Top B2B Sales Prospecting Tools for Success

Supercharge Your Sales Pipeline: Top Prospecting Tools for B2B Success [2024]

Learn With Whiteboard
15 min readApr 13, 2024
Top Sales Prospecting Tools for B2B Sales 2024
Credit — Whatcha Lookin At? by Alex Bernard on Dribbble

Ah, prospecting. The cornerstone of any B2B sales strategy. But let’s face it, examining endless contact lists and cold-calling the uninterested can feel tiring. But fear not, fellow sales warriors! This is where top sales prospecting tools for B2B teams come charging in, like a knight in shining armor.

These innovative platforms can transform your prospecting process from a tedious slog into a streamlined, lead-generating machine. But with a plethora of options available, how do you choose the right prospecting tools for B2B battlefield? Worry not, for this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to pick the perfect prospecting software for B2B sales. We’ll delve into the key features, explore pricing, and answer those FAQs to propel you towards your B2B prospecting success!

Why Sales Prospecting Tools Matter in B2B Business

Imagine a world where finding qualified leads is a breeze, contact information appears at your fingertips, and crafting personalized outreach becomes a walk in the park. That’s the magic of sales prospecting tools for B2B.

Here’s a glimpse into what these tools can do for your sales game:

  • Laser-Focused Targeting: Gone are the days of scattershot prospecting. These tools allow you to build highly targeted lists based on specific criteria like industry, company size, and job title. It’s like having a built-in psychic whispering the names of your ideal clients in your ear!
  • Data, Glorious Data: Information is power; and sales prospecting tools for B2B are your personal data powerhouse. Gain access to a wealth of insights about potential customers, including company news, recent funding rounds, and even social media activity. This intel allows you to craft personalized outreach messages that resonate.
  • Effortless Outreach Automation: Streamline your workflow by automating repetitive tasks like email sending and follow-up sequences. These tools free up your valuable time to focus on what matters most — closing deals!
  • Engagement Amplification: Craft compelling email sequences, personalized video marketing messages, and even schedule automated calls. Sales prospecting tools for B2B can elevate your outreach game, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

The A-Team: Top Sales Prospecting Tools for B2B [Updated 2024]

1. Potion: The Video Prospecting Software to 5X Responses

Tired of the monotony of text-based emails? Potion injects a dose of personality into your sales prospecting efforts for B2B deals with video prospecting. Here’s why its worth it:

  • AI-Powered Personalized Video Outreach: Potion empowers you to create and send personalized video messages directly to prospects. This unique approach grabs attention and helps you stand out from the crowd of text-heavy emails.
    Imagine sending a video (instead of long text mail) that addresses a prospect by their first name (& without any extra effort!) — that’s personalization magic! And if you’re someone who still relies on cold calls, here’s a comparison of video prospecting vs cold calling for you!
  • Multi-Channel Delivery: Don’t limit yourself to email. Send your personalized video creations through various channels like LinkedIn, Gmail or even directly within your CRM.
  • Easy Video Creation Tools: Don’t worry, you don’t need a Hollywood production crew. Potion provides user-friendly tools for recording and editing short, impactful video messages.
  • Authentic Lip-Sync: Forget robotic voiceovers! Potion’s AI ensures your personalized video segments have lip-sync that matches the original recording. Thus, creating a more natural and engaging experience for your prospects.
  • Engagement Tracking & Analytics: It tracks how prospects interact with your video messages, providing valuable insights into engagement levels and key viewing points.
  • Goodbye, Boring Intros: Ditch the generic “Hi [Name]” greetings! Potion personalizes video intros with greetings and visuals that grab attention and make your message stand out from the crowd.
Potion — AI personalized videos

Pricing: Potion offers various tiered plans, with pricing starting at $99 per user per month.

Why Use Potion? Ideal for B2B sales teams that want to break through the inbox clutter and make a lasting impression with personalized AI video outreach. Personalized video messaging for business grabs attention, boost engagement, and ultimately lead to more qualified leads and conversions. Additionally, here are a few remote selling best practices to help you make the most of this tool.

2. Lusha: The Laser-Focused Finder

Lusha is a B2B sales prospecting tool that excels in laser-focused lead generation. Need to find the perfect contact at a specific company? Lusha has your back! Here’s why it stands out:

  • Effortless Email & Phone Number Discovery: Say goodbye to endless email bouncing and wrong numbers. Lusha helps you uncover verified contact information for decision-makers with just a few clicks.
  • Chrome Extension Power: Lusha integrates seamlessly with your Chrome browser, allowing you to find contact details for website visitors in real-time. This is a prospecting ninja move that saves you tons of time and effort.
  • Data Enrichment & Validation: Lusha goes beyond simply finding contact information. It enriches your leads with additional data points like job titles, social media profiles, and even purchase history (depending on the plan).
b2b sales prospecting tools

Pricing: Lusha offers a free plan with limited features. The paid plans depend on your requirements. Feel free to enquire about the same with their support team.

Why Use Lusha? Perfect B2B sales tool for teams who prioritize verified contact information, ease of use, and real-time prospecting through the Chrome extension.

3. Leadfeeder: Unmasking Your Website Visitors

Ever wondered who’s visiting your website but not leaving their contact information? Leadfeeder is a sales prospecting software for B2B that sheds light on this mystery. Here’s the scoop:

  • Visitor Identification: Leadfeeder uses advanced IP address tracking to identify the companies visiting your website. This allows you to target your outreach efforts to those most likely to be interested in your product or service.
  • Engagement Insights: It goes beyond just identifying companies. It provides valuable insights into visitor behavior, like which pages they visited and how long they stayed. This intel helps you prioritize leads and craft highly personalized outreach messages.
  • Seamless Integrations: Just like ZoomInfo, Leadfeeder integrates smoothly with popular CRMs, making it easy to add website visitors directly to your sales pipeline.
prospecting tools for B2B companies

Pricing: Leadfeeder offers a free plan with limited features, with paid plans starting around $99 per month.

Why Use Leadfeeder? Not all website visitors are created equal. Leadfeeder’s engagement insights help you prioritize leads based on their behavior.

For example, companies that visited multiple product pages and stayed engaged for a long time are likely more qualified prospects than those who only glanced at your homepage.

4. Skrapp.io: The Email Outreach Orchestrator

Skrapp takes the reins when it comes to crafting and executing high-volume email outreach campaigns. It’s a B2B prospecting software designed to streamline the process and maximize your email prospecting ROI. Here’s why Skrapp deserves a spot on your shortlist:

  • Automated Email Finding: Finding the right email addresses can be a time-consuming nightmare. Skrapp automates this process by searching the web and integrating with your existing CRM data to find verified email addresses for your prospects.
  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Skrapp isn’t just about emails. It allows you to create and manage automated email sequences, social media outreach, and even SMS campaigns — all from a single platform.
  • Personalization at Scale: Skrapp lets you personalize your outreach efforts at scale using custom templates and merge tags. This ensures your emails resonate with each individual prospect, increasing engagement and response rates.
b2b prospecting software

Pricing: Skrapp offers a free plan with limited features, with paid plans starting around $29 per user per month.

Why Use Skrapp? Ideal for B2B sales teams who send a high volume of emails and prioritize automation, multi-channel outreach, and personalization.

5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Leverage the Power of Your Network

LinkedIn is a goldmine of B2B connections. And Sales Navigator helps you leverage its power for prospecting. It’s a prospecting tool for B2B built directly into the world’s largest professional network. Here’s how it elevates your prospecting game:

  • Advanced Search & Filters: Sales Navigator empowers you with advanced search functionalities that go beyond basic profile information. Search by industry, company size, job title, and even specific skills to find highly targeted leads.
  • Lead Recommendations & Insights: Sales Navigator uses AI to recommend leads that closely match your ideal customer profile. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into your leads’ activity and interests, helping you craft more relevant outreach messages.
  • Direct Connection Requests & InMails: With Sales Navigator, you can bypass connection limitations and send personalized InMail messages directly to potential customers, even if you’re not connected.
LinkedIn sales navigator

Pricing: Sales Navigator pricing varies depending on the features you choose, with plans starting around $65 per user per month.

Why Use Sales Navigator? A perfect fit for B2B sales teams who want to tap into the vast network of LinkedIn and leverage its advanced search, lead recommendations, and direct outreach capabilities.

6. Hunter.io: The Email Finder Extraordinaire

Struggling to track down the exact email addresses you need? Hunter.io is a B2B sales tool that’s a champion at email discovery. Here’s why it should be in your prospecting arsenal:

  • Accurate Email Finding: Hunter.io boasts an impressive success rate when it comes to finding verified email addresses for professionals at specific companies. Simply enter a domain name and Hunter.io will search its extensive database to uncover the contact information you need.
  • Bulk Email Verification: Need to validate a large list of email addresses? Hunter.io can handle that too! This time-saving feature ensures your outreach efforts don’t get bogged down by bouncing emails.
  • Chrome Extension Magic: Just like Lusha, Hunter.io offers a handy Chrome extension that allows you to find email addresses for website visitors on the fly. This streamlines your workflow and eliminates the need for manual searches.

Pricing: Hunter.io offers a free plan with limited searches, with paid plans starting around $34 per month (on an annual basis).

Why Use Hunter.io? Ideal for B2B sales teams who prioritize accurate email discovery, bulk verification, and the convenience of a Chrome extension for real-time prospecting.

7. Saleshandy: The All-in-One Outreach Powerhouse

Saleshandy isn’t just a sales prospecting tool; it’s an outreach powerhouse! It streamlines your entire prospecting process, from finding leads to sending outreach emails and tracking engagement. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Multi-Channel Outreach: This B2B sales tool goes beyond email. You can craft personalized email sequences, schedule automated follow-ups, and even leverage social selling features like LinkedIn outreach templates.
  • Email Tracking & Analytics: Gone are the days of wondering if your emails are being read! Saleshandy provides real-time insights into email opens, clicks, and link engagement. This valuable data allows you to refine your outreach strategy and improve email effectiveness.
  • Built-in Lead Scoring: Saleshandy helps you prioritize your outreach efforts. Its built-in lead scoring system analyzes various data points (like email opens and website visits) to identify the leads who are most engaged and ready to convert.

Pricing: Saleshandy offers various tiered plans, with pricing starting around $25 per user per month.

Why Use Saleshandy? Perfect for B2B sales teams that want a comprehensive outreach solution. Saleshandy goes beyond prospecting by providing tools to nurture leads and track engagement throughout the sales cycle.

8. AeroLeads: The Automated Lead Generation Ace

Short on time but big on prospecting goals? AeroLeads is a B2B prospecting software that automates the lead generation process. Here’s what makes it a time-saving hero:

  • Automated Lead Finding: AeroLeads helps you generate targeted leads based on your ideal customer profile. Simply set your criteria (industry, location, company size) and AeroLeads scours the web to find qualified leads that match your needs.
  • Data Quality & Verification: Don’t worry about receiving a pile of junk data. AeroLeads prioritizes data quality and verification, ensuring you receive accurate and actionable leads to reach out to.
  • Seamless Integrations: Like many of the other tools on this list, AeroLeads integrates seamlessly with popular CRMs and sales platforms. This allows for a smooth workflow and keeps all your lead data organized in one central location.
b2b lead generation tools

Pricing: AeroLeads offers various tiered plans, with pricing starting around $49 per month.

Why Use AeroLeads? Perfect for B2B sales teams who crave an automated lead generation solution to save time and effort.

9. Clearbit: The Enrichment Expert

Clearbit might not be a household name in sales, but its data enrichment capabilities are top-notch. Here’s the scoop:

  • Unmatched Data Depth: Clearbit boasts a massive database of company and contact information. Think of it as a supercharged version of a business directory on steroids.
  • Data Accuracy & Enrichment: It goes beyond simply finding contact information. It enriches your leads with a dizzying array of data points, including technographic details (what technology companies use) and firmographic information (company size, industry).
  • Seamless Integrations: It integrates seamlessly with popular CRMs and marketing automation platforms, allowing you to enrich your existing lead data with ease.
  • Workflow Automation: Clearbit integrates with popular workflow automation tools like Zapier, allowing you to automate tasks like assigning leads and triggering outreach sequences based on specific data points.

Pricing: Clearbit offers paid plans starting around $800 per month. You need to submit a request form on their website avail a volume/add-on based pricing for your business.

Why Use Clearbit? Perfect for sales teams that prioritize data accuracy and enrichment. Clearbit goes beyond basic contact information to provide a comprehensive picture of your prospects, allowing for highly targeted outreach.

10. ZoomInfo: The All-Encompassing Arsenal

ZoomInfo is a powerful B2B sales prospecting tool that arms your team with a comprehensive arsenal of features. Think vast contact databases, deep company insights, and lightning-fast search functionalities. Here’s what makes it a prospecting champion:

  • Unmatched Data Depth: ZoomInfo boasts a staggering database of over 100 million contacts and 4.5 million companies. You’ll unearth decision-makers, their contact details, and even gain intel on buying triggers and firmographics (fancy term for a company’s key characteristics).
  • Smart Search & Alerts: ZoomInfo’s search engine is like a bloodhound on the scent of hot leads. Filter by industry, job title, location, and more to find your ideal prospects. Plus, set up automated alerts to stay on top of new companies and contacts that fit your criteria.
  • Seamless Integrations: ZoomInfo plays nicely with your existing CRM or sales enablement platform. This seamless integration streamlines your workflow and keeps all your valuable prospect data in one centralized location.

Pricing: ZoomInfo offers various tiered plans, with pricing starting around $1,800 per user per month.

Why Use ZoomInfo? Ideal for sales teams who need a one-stop shop for comprehensive data, intelligent search, and seamless integrations.

11. Salesloft: Orchestrate Your Outreach Like a Maestro

Salesloft is one of the top AI sales tools offering a full-fledged sales engagement platform. Here’s why it deserves a place on this list:

  • Streamlined Sales Sequences: Craft multi-channel sequences that combine personalized emails, social touches, and automated follow-ups. Salesloft keeps your outreach organized and ensures no prospect falls through the cracks.
  • Real-Time Coaching & Insights: Salesloft empowers sales managers with real-time insights into their team’s performance. They can identify coaching opportunities, track individual and team metrics, and ensure everyone’s hitting their prospecting goals.
  • Seamless Integrations: Salesloft integrates seamlessly with popular CRMs and marketing automation platforms, creating a centralized hub for all your sales data and activities.

Pricing: Salesloft offers custom pricing based on your specific needs and team size.

Why Use Salesloft? Ideal B2B sales tool for organizations seeking a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing their entire sales outreach process.

Salesloft provides powerful tools for reps, valuable coaching insights for managers, and seamless integrations for a unified sales ecosystem.

12. Gong.io: Capture Every Sales Interaction for Coaching & Improvement

Sometimes, the best prospecting insights come from analyzing past interactions. Gong shines as one of the top AI marketing tools that captures and analyzes your sales calls, meetings, and emails. Here’s the benefit:

  • AI-Powered Conversation Insights: Gong uses AI to analyze your sales conversations and identify key moments, objections raised, and potential areas for improvement. This provides valuable coaching opportunities for both reps and managers.
  • Win-Loss Analysis: Gong helps you identify patterns in successful and unsuccessful sales interactions. This win-loss analysis empowers you to refine your prospecting strategies and close more deals.
  • Real-Time Coaching & Feedback: Managers can use Gong to provide real-time coaching and feedback to reps based on their call recordings. This immediate feedback helps reps fine-tune their prospecting skills on the fly.

Pricing: Gong offers custom pricing based on your specific needs and team size.

Why Use Gong? Perfect for B2B sales and marketing organizations that want to leverage the power of conversation intelligence to improve their prospecting effectiveness. Gong empowers continuous learning and coaching, ultimately driving higher sales win rates.

Beyond the Tools: Building a Winning Prospecting Strategy

While B2B sales prospecting tools are powerful allies, remember they’re just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some additional tips to craft a winning prospecting strategy:

  • Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP): Before you start prospecting, take a step back and define your ideal customer profile. Who are you trying to reach? What are their pain points and buying behaviors?
  • Craft Compelling Value Propositions: Once you understand your ICP, tailor your message to resonate with their specific needs. Highlight how your product or service solves their problems and delivers real value.
  • Personalize Your Outreach: Don’t blast out generic messages. Use the information you gather from your sales prospecting tools for B2B to personalize your outreach and make a genuine connection with each prospect.
  • Embrace Multi-Channel Outreach: Don’t limit yourself to email. Craft a multi-channel outreach strategy that combines personalized email sequences with social media engagement on platforms like LinkedIn.
    Consider leaving thoughtful comments on their posts or sending a connection request with a personalized message highlighting a shared interest. The more touchpoints you create, the greater the chance of capturing their attention and nurturing them into a qualified lead.
  • Track & Analyze Your Results: Prospecting isn’t a “fire and forget” game. Continuously track and analyze the results of your prospecting efforts.
    Are certain outreach tactics generating more leads or higher engagement rates? Are specific B2B sales prospecting tools yielding better results than others? By monitoring your performance and tweaking your strategy based on the data. You’ll continuously optimize your prospecting efforts and maximize your return on investment.
b2b sales prospecting tools 2024
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Remember, building a winning prospecting strategy is an ongoing process. By combining the power of B2B prospecting software with these additional tips, you’ll be well on your way to identifying, qualifying, and connecting with the perfect leads to fuel your B2B sales pipeline. Now get out there and start prospecting like a pro!

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are Sales Prospecting Tools for B2B expensive?

The pricing structure varies depending on the platform and features offered. Many tools offer free trials or basic plans, so you can test the waters before committing.

Q: Will these tools do all the work for me?

While prospecting tools for B2B are powerful, they shouldn’t replace your salesmanship. They’re there to streamline the process and generate leads, but you’ll still need your sales magic to close the deal.

Q: How can I ensure I’m using these tools ethically?

Always prioritize data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR. Focus on building genuine connections with prospects and providing value-driven outreach.

Q: Which Sales Prospecting Tool for B2B is right for me?

The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors like your team size, the features you need most, and how the tool integrates with your existing CRM system.

b2b tools for sales 2024
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Conclusion: Unleash the Power of B2B Sales Prospecting Tools

There you have it, folks! This arsenal of 12 top B2B prospecting tools equips you to identify, qualify, and connect with high-potential leads faster and more efficiently than ever before. Remember, the right tool (or a combination of a few!) can dramatically transform your prospecting efforts, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads and propelling your sales team towards success.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop prospecting in the dark and leverage the power of technology! Take action today and explore these sales prospecting software for B2B teams. Imagine the conversations you’ll spark, the connections you’ll build, and the deals you’ll close — all thanks to the prospecting powerhouses at your fingertips.

Additionally, feel free to use these virtual selling best practices to further boost your chances of success. Happy prospecting!

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