The Cost of Solar Panels in Minnesota (2024 Guide)

Leslie Larosa
11 min readJan 25, 2024


Minnesota is shining bright in the solar landscape, with its solar capacity witnessing a remarkable uptrend, enough to power well over 250,000 homes each year. This surge in green enthusiasm might have you wondering about the real deal with solar panel costs in the North Star State. Understandably, unraveling the financial aspect of transitioning to solar can feel like you’re navigating a maze with various turns — like incentives, rebates, and technological options. I’m here to be your guiding star, illuminating the path so you can forge ahead with confidence. With an eye on the latest trends and your pocketbook, this guide will explore every nuance of solar panel pricing in Minnesota, arming you with the knowledge you need to make an informed and savvy investment in 2024. Whether you’re a solar rookie or someone who’s been eyeing those rooftops adorned with panels, let’s get the full scoop on what going solar will mean for your wallet.

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Understanding Solar Panels

If you’re exploring the solar landscape in Minnesota, you might be curious about the costs involved with shifting to solar power. Essentially, solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is a pretty neat trick when you think about it. They do this through photovoltaic cells that absorb photons and release electrons, creating an electric current. Now, solar technology has advanced quite a bit, offering you a buffet of options, each with its price tag.

Let’s break it down. You have monocrystalline panels, the sophisticated cousins in the solar family, boasting high efficiency and a sleek design. They’re like the sports cars of the solar world — you’ll invest more upfront, but they take up less space and pump out more power. Polycrystalline panels are the dependable sedans. They cost less but are also a bit less efficient and take up more real estate on your roof. Then there are thin-film panels, the easy riders that are flexible and lightweight but typically less efficient and might need more space.

In Minnesota, costs can vary widely based on the type, quality, and size of the system. You might be looking at anything from $15,000 to $25,000 for a standard residential setup before incentives. Keep in mind, this is a ballpark — actual costs hinge on your specific situation. But hey, with Minnesota’s net metering policies and various federal and local solar incentives, the sticker price can drop quite significantly, making solar an enticing prospect for that long-term play against your energy bills. It’s like planting a tree — initial effort, but then you just sit back and watch the savings grow.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Solar Panels in Minnesota

You might be wondering, “How much will it cost me to switch to solar in Minnesota?” Great question. The price tag for going solar is influenced by several ingredients, each adding its own flavor to the final cost. First off, size matters — system size, that is. A larger setup will naturally demand more of your wallet, but it’s all about finding that sweet spot where size meets your energy needs.

Now, let’s talk types. Solar panels come in various models, with the more efficient, high-end types typically carrying a heftier price. But don’t let that scare you. These panels often offer a better long-term return on investment because they’ll squeeze more juice from those Minnesota sunrays, which, by the way, averages at about 194 sunny days per year — not too shabby for solar, right?

But wait, there’s more. Installation charges can swing quite a bit, depending on whom you hire and the complexity of the job. A straightforward roof? Expect smoother sailing on costs. But if your roof is more like a roller coaster ride, brace yourself for potentially higher fees.

Lastly, let’s not forget geography. Minnesota’s climate tosses in its two cents with periods of cold and snow that can affect installation logistics and performance. However, solar panels are quite the troopers in chilly weather, often working more efficiently. Do remember, though, that heavy snowfall means your panels might need a quick brush-off to keep them soaking up the sun.

Considering these factors, you’ll gain a clearer picture of the solar investment ahead. And with Minnesota’s net metering and solar incentives sweetening the deal, your initial outlay could start shrinking faster than you’d think. It pays to do your homework — or rather, it saves to do your homework when it comes to solar.

Average Costs of Solar Panels in Minnesota

Picture this: you’re sipping a warm cup of coffee, looking out over Minnesota’s beautiful landscapes, and it hits you — “Could solar panels help me save on my energy bills?” Well, I’m glad you asked because harnessing the power of the sun is not only eco-friendly, but can also be quite cost-effective, especially in the long run.

Now, let’s talk numbers. On average, residential solar panels in Minnesota run between $3.00 to $4.00 per watt before any incentives or rebates. Considering the typical solar system size here is around 5 to 7 kilowatts, you could be looking at an initial outlay of about $15,000 to $28,000. But don’t let those figures startle you! Remember, this is before factoring in the generous state and federal solar incentives that can significantly reduce the cost.

How does that stack up against the national average, you ask? Well, you’re in luck. The national cost of solar panels usually falls around the same range, averaging about $2.51 to $3.31 per watt. This puts Minnesota in a competitively priced range, especially when you consider the region-specific advantages that can affect solar efficiency and payback periods.

Sure, Minnesota might not be nicknamed ‘The Sunshine State’, but it offers a surprisingly good environment for solar energy. The state’s net metering policies and the Xcel Energy’s Solar Rewards program are just some of the sweeteners for going solar here. Plus, there’s the 26% federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which can shave a significant portion off of the upfront cost for systems installed before the end of 2022.

Feel empowered as you gather these facts, knowing that with the right incentives and a suitable setup, the Land of 10,000 Lakes could be the perfect backdrop for your clean energy journey.

Breaking Down the Costs

Embarking on a solar panel installation journey in Minnesota, you’re probably curious about where your dollars will go. The hardware, namely the solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems, can consume a significant chunk of the total cost, typically around 25–30%. The sun-splashed days in Minnesota make efficient panels worth the investment, and prices have nosedived in recent years, simplifying the choice.

Labor costs vary, but they generally account for about 10% of your total project budget. That’s paying a team of seasoned experts to ensure your solar setup not only looks good on the roof but also operates at peak performance. Let’s not forget about permits and inspections — those are the government’s way of giving you the thumbs-up. They can tack on an additional few hundred dollars but considering they keep your installation safe and compliant, it’s money well spent.

Now, for the not-so-obvious expenses. These can include upgrades to your electrical system or roof reinforcements, which ensure your home is primed and ready for solar. Admittedly, it’s the less glamorous side of going solar, but these hidden costs are crucial for a smooth-sailing solar experience.

Remember, Minnesota’s net metering policy and solar incentive programs can significantly offset these outlays. They’re like a pat on the back from the state for choosing a greener path. By staying informed and looking into these incentives, you can reduce the sting of the upfront costs and embark on your solar adventure with a lighter heart and potentially a fuller wallet.

Incentives and Rebates

Minnesota shines when it comes to incentivizing solar panel installation, offering a suite of perks that can significantly offset your initial investment. At the federal level, you’ll benefit from the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct a hearty percentage of your solar system costs from your federal taxes. This credit has been a game-changer for many, trimming down the upfront expenses and making solar a savvy financial move.

Venturing into the Land of 10,000 Lakes-specific incentives, the Solar*Rewards program is a notable mention. This Xcel Energy initiative provides additional payments for the energy your system produces, creating a steady income stream over several years. It’s like getting paid for embracing clean energy, which feels as rewarding as it sounds.

Meanwhile, property tax exemptions ensure your property taxes won’t spike after you install solar panels, despite the increase in home value. It’s Minnesota’s way of saying, “We get it — solar is essential, and we’ve got your back.” And if you want to pair environmental benefits with financial savvy, check out the state’s net-metering policy. Any excess energy your solar panels produce can be sold back to the grid, spinning your meter backwards and your savings forward.

Navigating these incentives and rebates may seem like a frosty trek at first, but they pave a smoother trail for your solar journey. By tapping into these programs, you can watch your energy bills plummet while boosting your eco-friendly street cred. And with solar technology advancing by the day, there’s never been a more opportune time to let your home soak up that Minnesota sunshine and pocket some serious savings.

Return on Investment (ROI) and Long-Term Savings

Imagine flipping the script on your energy bills, transforming that monthly expense into a savvy investment. That’s the power of solar panels. The allure of long-term savings with solar isn’t just about slashing your electric bills, though that’s a major perk. It’s also about the ROI you’ll see over the lifespan of your solar investment.

Here’s the deal: Installing solar panels can yield an impressive ROI, often comparable to traditional investments like stocks or bonds. How quickly you reach that break-even point — and start pocketing the profits — depends on several factors like energy usage, local electricity rates, and the cost of your solar system. But once you’re there, it’s like giving yourself a raise every time the sun shines.

What’s more, harnessing solar power boosts your home’s value. Studies suggest homes with solar installations sell for a premium compared to their non-solar counterparts. It’s the financial cherry on top of your eco-friendly cake. Plus, let’s not forget the potential tax incentives and rebates that can sweeten the deal upfront.

As utility prices continue to climb, your solar panels shield you from the brunt of these increases. Think of it as locking in energy rates for the next 25–30 years — that’s the typical lifespan of a solar system. Over time, the savings on your energy bills could amount to tens of thousands of dollars, a financial move that not only feels good but makes cents — lots of them. And that, my friend, is a beautiful return on any investment.

Financing Options for Solar Panels

Exploring financing options for solar panels in Minnesota, you’ll discover choices such as solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs). Each path to solar investment has its benefits and trade-offs, so let’s break them down.

Starting with solar loans, they’re quite popular, as they allow you to own your panels outright. You can take advantage of state-specific incentives like the Solar*Rewards Program, federal tax credits, and potentially increased property value. The major perk here is that after paying off the loan, the energy your panels produce is essentially free. On the downside, you’ll be responsible for maintenance, and the upfront loan interest rates and credit requirements might be barriers for some.

Solar leases are another route. You don’t own the panels; instead, you rent them from a solar provider. The appeal lies in the minimal upfront costs and the fact that maintenance is usually covered by the leasing company. But remember, you won’t qualify for tax credits or incentives since you’re not the owner, and over time, leasing can be more costly than a loan.

PPAs are similar to leases, with a twist: you agree to purchase the power generated by the panels at a set rate, which is often lower than the utility rate. This option can help lower your electric bills without any upfront investment. The caveat? Like leasing, the long-term savings aren’t as substantial as owning, and you don’t get the financial incentives.

In summary, your choice hinges on your financial goals, your appetite for ownership versus outsourcing maintenance, and long-term savings considerations. With ample choices at your fingertips, it’s all about finding the right fit for your situation in Minnesota’s dynamic solar landscape.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the cost of solar panels in Minnesota can seem like a challenging task, with various factors like equipment, installation, and incentives in play. Yet, the potential savings from reduced utility bills and state-specific incentives can be significant. Remember, things like the Federal Solar Tax Credit, Minnesota’s Solar*Rewards program, and net metering policies directly affect your bottom line. Your roof’s orientation and the local climate are also part of the equation. It’s clear that jumping into solar is not just an environmental decision but a financially savvy one as well. To navigate these waters with ease, consider getting a personalized quote. This step will demystify the specifics of your investment, tailor financial insights to your unique situation and shine a light on the journey ahead. Your solar adventure in Minnesota starts with that first, informed step forward. So why wait? Let’s harness the land of 10,000 lakes and as many solar opportunities today.

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Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.