The Cost of Solar Panels in Pennsylvania (2024 Guide)

Leslie Larosa
11 min readJan 18, 2024


Pennsylvania is shining bright on the solar front, with over 6,000 solar installations and counting, a testament to the Keystone State’s surging enthusiasm for renewable energy. You’re likely considering joining this clean energy revolution and might find yourself wondering about the costs and benefits of harnessing Pennsylvania’s ample sunlight for your own power needs. With solar panel prices falling by around 70% over the last decade, it’s no surprise that more residents are exploring how to make a sun-powered switch. This guide is your flashlight; illuminating the path through the financial landscape of solar investment in Pennsylvania. We’ll explore the intricacies and incentives specific to the state, providing you with the most up-to-date information to demystify costs and empower you to make a confident, informed decision about solar energy. Let’s embark on your journey to energy independence with clarity and expertise guiding our way.

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Understanding Solar Panels

Imagine tapping into Pennsylvania’s average of 179 sunny days per year to power your home. Solar panels make this possible by converting sunlight into electricity you can use, reducing your reliance on traditional power sources, and potentially slashing your energy bills. At the heart of this technology are photovoltaic (PV) cells, which work like magic, but really it’s just science — turning photons into electrical current.

When you start exploring your options, you’ll quickly notice there are a few different types of solar panels to consider. Monocrystalline panels, with their sleek, dark look and high efficiency, tend to be the go-to choice for those juggling space constraints and desire for maximum output. They can be more pricey upfront but often lead to more savings in the long run. On the other hand, polycrystalline panels, recognizable by their blue hue and speckled aesthetic, offer a more budget-friendly entry point with modest efficiency trade-offs.

In Pennsylvania, the cost of solar panels varies, but residential systems typically range between $3 and $5 per watt before any incentives. A standard 6-kilowatt system might cost anywhere from $18,000 to $30,000 before factoring in rebates and tax credits. Keep in mind that Pennsylvania has its own unique incentives, like the Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) program, which can help offset initial costs significantly.

Selecting the ideal solar panel setup isn’t just about the tags. You’ll want to consider your home’s sun exposure, roof size, and energy needs. Think of the cost not as a price tag but as an investment, one that’s nudging you towards energy independence and greener living while also likely increasing the value of your home. It’s a win-win really — you’re saving on energy costs while doing a solid for the planet!

Factors Influencing the Cost of Solar Panels in Pennsylvania

You might be wondering about the nitty-gritty details that affect how much you’ll spend on solar panels here in the Keystone State. Well, size matters — but so does quality. Starting with system size, the more kilowatt-hours you want to generate, the more panels you’ll need, bumping up the initial investment. But it’s not just numbers; it’s about efficiency too. Opt for the latest, high-efficiency panels, and you’ll pay more upfront, but they’ll be a savvy choice for squeezing the most energy out of Pennsylvania’s average 146 sunny days per year.

Now, the type of solar panels you pick plays a big role as well. Monocrystalline panels, with their sleeker look and higher efficiency, might catch your eye, but they’ll also catch a bit more of your wallet compared to polycrystalline ones. It’s a balancing act between aesthetics, performance, and budget.

Installation charges are another piece of the puzzle. Skilled installers are worth their weight in gold — or solar cells, in our case — for their know-how in positioning your panels to make the most of those precious rays, especially in areas of Pennsylvania where sunlight can be a hot commodity.

Geographically speaking, Pennsylvania’s climate zones strike a unique chord in the tuning of solar panel costs. In places with heavier snowfall, you might need more robust mounting systems and perhaps even panels that can shrug off snow with ease. And since Pennsylvania stretches across several climate zones, sunlight isn’t a one-size-fits-all figure. Regions like the sunnier southeast contrast with the more cloud-prone northwest, affecting how many panels you’ll need to fulfill your energy goals.

All these factors join hands, dancing a delicate tango that ultimately determines the final figure on your solar investment bill. But keep in mind, the dance isn’t over until the incentives kick in, and Pennsylvania’s offerings can be as sweet as a Philadelphia cheesesteak on a sunny day. They reduce costs, making solar more accessible, so always take a moment to explore those options.

Average Costs of Solar Panels in Pennsylvania

If you’re exploring the possibility of embracing solar power in Pennsylvania, you’re likely curious about what it’ll set you back financially. Well, the good news is that solar costs have been on a steady decline over the past decade, making it an increasingly attractive option for homeowners like you. On average, solar panel installation in the Keystone State ranges from $12,000 to $25,000 after federal tax incentives. Now, that might sound like a considerable investment, but let’s put it into perspective.

When we compare these average figures to the national costs, you’ll find that Pennsylvania falls right in line with the wider trend. Across the U.S., prices hover around $2.50 to $3.50 per watt after tax credits, and a typical residential system is about 6 kilowatts (kW). This means that, on the whole, Americans are paying somewhere between $15,000 to $21,000 post-incentives for their solar setups. So, Pennsylvania’s pricing isn’t just competitive; it’s actually on the friendlier side of the spectrum.

Bear in mind, these costs can fluctuate based on various factors, such as the size and complexity of your system, the type of solar panels you opt for, and the installation company you choose. Moreover, additional state incentives and rebates can further reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, making solar power even more accessible.

What’s more, understanding the financial aspect is just one part of the equation. Investing in solar in Pennsylvania means you’re also investing in clean, renewable energy, contributing to a greener planet, and positioning yourself to save on electricity bills in the long run. It’s a decision that pays off economically and environmentally — a true win-win situation.

Breaking Down the Costs

Understanding the costs associated with solar panel installation gives you a clearer picture and helps avoid surprises down the line. In Pennsylvania, the price tag for going solar isn’t just about purchasing panels. It’s a package that includes hardware, labor, permitting, inspections, and sometimes additional costs.

Let’s break that down. Firstly, the cost of solar panels and the inverter — your system’s heartbeat — vary depending on the brand and capacity. High-efficiency panels come with a premium, but they can be a smart choice if your roof space is limited. Then, there’s the racking system to securely mount your panels, and potential upgrades to your electrical panel to handle your new renewable energy source.

Labor is next on the list. This isn’t just about the actual installation; it’s also the expertise behind planning and fitting the system to your roof. Professionals ensure your setup is optimized for performance and compliant with local regulations, which is invaluable.

Permitting and inspections are also part of the financial equation. Local governments require permits for installation, and these can vary widely in cost. Post-installation inspections are mandated to ensure everything is up to code — an essential step for safety and efficiency.

What about additional costs? Well, sometimes you need to prepare your roof for its solar future, which could mean extra expenses. Then, there could be costs for tree trimming to maximize sunlight exposure or a monitoring system to keep tabs on production.

Remember, Pennsylvania residents have access to various incentives like the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which can significantly offset the initial outlay. State-specific programs may also help in reducing the overall costs. It’s all about investing wisely for a bright, sun-powered future.

Incentives and Rebates

Pennsylvania, The Keystone State, is increasingly becoming a bright spot on the solar energy map, and this is partly thanks to a mix of federal, state, and local incentives that make going solar more financially feasible than ever. At the federal level, you’ll be pleased to hear about the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which offers a significant 26% tax credit on your solar panel installation. It’s a piece of the sun you can own, and Uncle Sam is essentially footing part of the bill.

Now, let’s get specific about Pennsylvania. Here, the sunshine is earning its keep through programs like the Pennsylvania Sunshine Solar Rebate Program, which has historically provided rebates for residential installations. Though funds for this program have been fully reserved, keeping an eye out for newly released funds or programs is well worth it. Additionally, Pennsylvania’s net metering policy means that when your panels are busily converting sunlight into energy, any excess can be sold back to the grid, effectively reducing your monthly electricity bill.

Local incentives can be the cherry on top. Various Pennsylvania utilities offer additional rebates and incentives, which can vary based on where you live and who your provider is. For example, PECO customers have enjoyed rebates for solar installations in the past. It’s like a puzzle, where each piece — federal, state, and local — fits together to drop the initial investment considerably.

By leveraging these incentives, many Pennsylvanians are seeing significant reductions in the overall cost of going solar, positively impacting return on investment and making the switch to clean, renewable energy not just an environmentally conscious decision, but a financially savvy one too. Isn’t it reassuring to know the sun isn’t just up there for daylight and vitamin D? It’s also a catalyst for savings and sustainability. Now, that’s a bright idea!

Return on Investment (ROI) and Long-Term Savings

Investing in solar panels is not just about being environmentally conscious; it’s a savvy financial move that can yield significant returns over time. Think of solar panels as a fine wine — they get better, or rather, more valuable with age. The initial upfront cost can be offset by the savings on your energy bills month after month. Typically, your solar panels may start paying for themselves within 7 to 8 years, but this depends on various factors like the cost of the system, your energy usage, and local electricity rates. However, once they’ve ‘broken even,’ it’s like having a little energy-generating powerhouse on your roof, cutting your utility costs drastically.

But that’s not all. Having solar panels can be a bright spot when it’s time to sell your home. They often increase property value since prospective buyers appreciate lower utility costs and supporting sustainable energy. This bump in your home’s market value is like a bonus return on your investment.

Then there’s the sweet suite of incentives and tax credits. Depending on your location, you might be eligible for federal tax credits and possibly state-specific incentives that can significantly reduce the net cost of your solar panel system. These benefits make the dollars and cents add up in your favor even more.

Look around and you’ll realize that the sun isn’t just shooing away the clouds; it’s potentially dispersing the financial ones as well. By locking in lower energy rates today, you’re insulating yourself against the rising costs of electricity tomorrow. So really, by going solar, you’re not just powering your home; you’re powering your financial future.

Financing Options for Solar Panels

Pennsylvania offers a sunny range of financing options for homeowners keen on harnessing the power of the sun with solar panels. First on the list are solar loans, which can be secured or unsecured, giving you the flexibility of ownership without the upfront costs. The key perk here is that you’re entitled to benefit from various incentives like the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and potentially, other state-specific rebates. It’s a solid choice if you’re looking to increase the value of your property. However, keep in mind, like any loan scenario, the devil’s in the details — interest rates and payback terms are pivotal pieces of the puzzle.

Leasing is another avenue, virtually eliminating upfront costs, where you rent the solar equipment. This option is a fit for those who prefer not to shoulder the responsibility of maintenance or repairs. The trade-off, though, is that you won’t get the tax incentives, and savings on your utility bills are generally less than if you owned the system outright.

Moving to Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), these are akin to leasing, where you agree to purchase the power generated by the panels at a set rate, typically lower than utility rates. PPAs take the prize for simplicity and no upfront expenses, plus the installation company shoulders maintenance. But much like leasing, those juicy tax credits slip through your fingers to the system’s owner, not you.

As you tilt towards one option or another, consider how each aligns with your long-term energy goals, financial situation, and comfort level with commitment. Each route has its merits, but the best choice is the one that illuminates your financial strategy while brightening your ecological footprint.

Wrapping Up

Pennsylvania, with its unique mix of seasons and incentives, offers a compelling case for solar panel installation. While the upfront costs might seem daunting at first glance, we’ve seen how state-specific programs, alongside federal tax credits, can meaningfully offset those initial investments. Net metering and solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs) are golden tickets in the Keystone State, further sweetening the deal. Additionally, as energy prices fluctuate, the long-term savings and fixed energy costs that come with solar panels appear increasingly attractive. Each home, of course, is as individual as its owner, and so are the potential savings and costs. The best way to navigate the financial landscape of solar in Pennsylvania is to get a tailored quote. A personalized consultation will factor in your home’s specific characteristics and energy needs, allowing for a precise snapshot of what solar power could mean for your wallet and your carbon footprint. So take that step — the benefits of solar are shining brighter than ever, and your journey towards sustainable energy and savings could be just a conversation away.

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List of References

  1. «The Best Solar Panels for Your Camp Setup: How To Make the Correct Decision». Site: «Solar Power System»
  2. «The Advantages of Pure Sine Wave Inverters Over Modified Sine Wave Inverters». Site: «Solar Power System»
  3. «Could Installing Solar Panels on the Roof Save Money?». Site: «Solar Power System»



Leslie Larosa

I am a writer, weaving words into captivating articles. My mastery of this craft allows me to paint vivid pictures and inspire minds.