WordPress payment plugin

A user guide for: content creators

Eveline Klumpers
4 min readJul 13, 2018


In February we embedded our plugin on the Reporters Online website. We received great feedback and have made some improvements based on that. As promised we would like to show you how it would work for you as a journalist; so here it goes! Are you a journalist or do you host a platform, and who want to use our plugin? Just send us a a message: hello@katalysis.io (also for feedback, and anything else you want to share with us (okay — well everything.. but uh.. keep it related to our plugin ;-) ).

A. Install Plugin

  1. Go to plugins in the menu panel on the left and press ‘Add New’.
  2. In the general overview press the ‘Upload Plugin’ button. You will be redirected to a new screen.
  3. Click on ‘Choose file’ and upload the Reporters Online — zip file.

Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrum-roll: the plugin shows up in the menu panel on the left hand — and yes it’s as simple as that to connect and to start making money from your content via blockchain technology.

B. Upload Article

  1. Click on Post in the left hand menu.
  2. Click ‘Add New’ on the general view page.

3. Post your article just as you’re used to doing it.

4. If you check the box ‘Send to online newsstands’ you make you’re article available to be re-used on other newsstands. See below a brief explanation on this.

5. Choose your payment option: of course you want your article to be monetised, but you may not, and in that case you can offer it for free. For future versions we will also enable donation options! Stay tuned..

6. Enter your preferred price in euros. Please note: do not forget the comma or period when setting your price if you would like to indicate a price in cents. For instance 0,50 and 0.50 represent 50 cents, 050 will mean your price is 50 euros.

7. Press ‘Publish’ and your article is now published on your website!

The published article can be consumed for the price you’ve set. If you’re interested in learning about how this process would work, you can read this blog post where we explain step-by-step the consumer flow. (By the way — we’re open to improving this flow — so if you have suggestions feel free to reach out: hello@katalysis.io)

The agreements in the Reporters Online Payment Options panel will be stored on a blockchain. This agreement is something called a smart contract. Whenever the content is consumed this smart contract is automatically executed and you will receive 80% of the price every time your article is purchased. Of the remaining 20% will go to us, Katalysis.

How do I get paid? And do I need an account?

The blockchain technology keeps track of who owes what to whom. For our V1 Reporters Online plugin the payments are done manually as you’re accustomed to, and paid out on a quarterly basis. In our upcoming version this will all be automated, with you as a freelance journalist in complete control. Account-wise by then we will require to know your mailadres and the details of your bank account, thats is. Basically you don’t need an account at Katalysis as you’re accustomed too in other systems. No difficult passwords needed — your email is all we need to know to identify you.

Below is a snapshot of how your dashboard might look. The idea of this design is to let you see how often your article is read and how much money you’ve made. Furthermore we’d like to add a functionality whereby you can press ‘cashout’ and have your earned money automatically wired to your account. We will update you as soon as this feature is ready for you to use!

Send to online newsstands

So what is this ‘send to online newsstands’ all about? Well.. when you check this box your article will get an extra tag in the smart contract that will allow it to be reused on platforms using our technology. Because we link back to you (thats what the smart contract does), you will get paid, minus a share of the profits of the platform reusing it, even when the article is posted (and paid for) on an other platform then yours. By doing so, you can increase your potential reach exponentially, pretty cool right?!

This feature is still in the testing phase, and we will update you when it is available. This checkbox also sends your article to Reporters Online for publication in Blendle and other online newsstands. Please notify them at support@reportersonline.nl if you want to use this service.

Also, we will elaborate more on how the value flows will work in later posts.

Cool things are coming up. Feedback, interested? Drop us a line: hello@katalysis.io. Also we’re hiring; back end software developers, UX/UI or web front ender? Business development internship? Do reach out to us! jobs@katalysis.io.

source: https://moviesludge.tumblr.com/post/77576572408



Eveline Klumpers

co-founder Katalysis | hustling to democratise the value of online content | www.katalysis.io