In a Corked Beaker…

A Path to the World Within.

LdD on Earth
3 min readMay 17, 2024

Hello there!
I hope you’re good today.

I also hope you’re curious about a way to achieve self-actualization and fulfill the potential you’re endowed with because that’s what this post is about.

As per my declaration in the introduction I did, I wrote this to share my most recent discovery about self-actualization.

I was Pinterest-ing one day and found this:
Image: @yorita3 on

A miniature man sitting on a miniature chair, on a tall heap of miniature books, reading a miniature book under the lambent glow of a miniature bulb, in a corked beaker.

It’s aesthetic, granted. However, upon giving it some thought, I saw the very thing we’re exploring today.

A path to the world within (believe it or not, it’s real): segregation.
What is segregation?

In my dictionary app, it is defined in about 6 different ways, so I chose the one that’s most apt to this exposition.

(mineralogy) Separation from a mass, and gathering about centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive or adhesive attraction or the crystallizing process.

I have noticed that throughout history, on the path to success (fulfillment of purpose), or greatness, the culture of segregation is imbibed.

Jesus, when He was going to be betrayed, and ultimately crucified, to fulfill the purpose He came to Earth for, withdrew into the garden of Gethsemane.

Bishop David Oyedepo too, when he was going to receive the mandate that would birth the commission that now raises Kingdom giants, was specifically instructed to withdraw into a place where he would not be disturbed or interrupted.

Why is this so?

I’m asking too, yes and I believe it is because of vision.

For the one who doesn’t follow Christ, I’d say the place of segregation is where you can connect to your innermost self. You leave the mass(es), and look inward, to become one with yourself first, and then to work towards manifestation.

And for the one who follows Christ and seeks to become like Him, even treading the path He has laid before us now, the place of segregation is the place where you meet your maker.

We forget too easily that God is the one who made us. He knows us more than we know ourselves.

It only makes sense that it is in His presence we will find ourselves.

If you want to know the purpose of a thing, never ask the thing.

A created thing can never know what was in the mind of the creator when he planned and built it.

If you want to know the purpose of a product, you must ask the manufacturer or his authorized representative.

- Dr. Myles Munroe, In Pursuit of Purpose.

So, if you’re a follower of Christ, in the place of segregation, simply ask your maker His plans for you.

It is in the fulfillment of those plans that your self-actualization, as well as success, is.

To bring this to an ephemeral end, there is work to be done.

One more thing noteworthy in the image is the book held in the miniature man’s hands.

Reading is simply otherworldly in my opinion.

If you do not read, I urge you to pick up a book today. Then do it again tomorrow. And the day after. It might take a little exploration, but there’s certainly something for you.

For me, it’s always about the knowledge.

Till our next convergence, be well.

Do not yield to restraints in the expression of your thoughts regarding this writing. I’d be glad to know what you think.



LdD on Earth

Salve. I'm Helen; a votary of Christ and aficionado of God's mightiness and poiesis. I love words and weaving them. I also find knowledge pleasing. You are...?