How to protect your Emotional Energy to get what you want in life — PART 2

3 min readAug 4, 2022


Release toxic people, circumstances, and environments without compromising your core self

This is a continuation of my previous article. Read Part 1 here

As I was saying, Preserving my emotional energy — so I could complete my daily tasks and accomplish my life goals — became priority 1 for me.

Here are the other TWO TIPS that assisted me greatly in protecting my emotional energy so I could show up in my life fully, and feel in control of it:

2. SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO UPLIFT YOU: I have always been a bit of a lone wolf, the one who has been forced to be self-reliant, and so now that’s my natural state. However, I’ve learned that nothing can get your juices going faster than being in a group of high-vibrating, purpose-driven individuals working towards improving themselves. Again, if you join a group and find they are NOT your people– establish those firm boundaries — and GET OUT. You are on a quest to be the best version of yourself, not to please others!

ACTIVELY putting yourself in environments that are positive is one of the best ways to keep your energy accessible for yourself all day. Working with a life coach, joining online groups, doing IRL or Zoom coffees, anywhere you can commune with like-minded people — while feeling safe and not judged — are effective ways of staying present and connected to your life force energy.

CONNECTING WITH A SPIRITUAL TEACHER can really make a difference! I can’t recommend this one enough. Brené Brown, Simon Sinek, Abraham Hicks, Deepak Chopra, Oprah, your friend doing a podcast on Body Positivity or Mental Health, or those 2-minute inspirational reels on IG anything that gives you a perspective that you are not entirely aware of, or comfortable withcan open your mind up to more possibilities and train you to look for solutions. By following this one simple practice, my sense of worthiness has massively shifted over time. I can now put myself first without feeling like I’m letting others down. My life is no longer a zero-sum game.

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

3. CREATING AN EFFECTIVE MORNING ROUTINE: All of my life coaches, spiritual teachers, IG gurus, online groups have repeatedly emphasized the importance of establishing a morning routine.

Ideally, we want to get up early, meditate for 20 minutes, listen to our favorite spiritual teacher, do some self-care (walking, earthing), journal our day, visualize our goals, get moving and get creative. And drink water.

THIS ROUTINE ANCHORS THE DAY in your body, so you’re naturally moving to the rhythms that you’ve established in your mind, without getting distracted. Or if distractions happen, find it easy to get back to the day you have already planned and visualized.

It also teaches you to INSTINCTIVELY recognize your own ENERGETIC PRESENCE and vibrational signature. Yes, we now venture into the woo-woo land, but ultimately this helps us to identify that which is you and that which is the other.

Knowing that ‘this isn’t how I usually feel’ — and being curious about itinstantly gives control of your life back to you. Thereby, allowing you to release the emotions that drain you, proactively step into your life, and transform it for the better.

For yourself and for others. Whether they like it or not.

P.S. In the spirit of surrounding yourself with people who inspire and uplift you, here’s a link to the conversation I had with Spiritual Teacher Extraordinaire, Theresa Vee, a woman who always motivates me to do and be my best self!

P.P.S If there’s something you need me to do a further deeper dive on any of the points mentioned in the article, please comment below, and I’ll be happy to write an article around it.




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