Bridge Report #5

Link Foundation
8 min readJan 27, 2019


After months of work, the EOS mainnet became the first blockchain with a live and functioning Referendum system.
Every week the EOS chain sees multiple developments and updates, and this has no signs to stop. In this report the highlights goes to the Referendum System and to the first IBC transaction.

EOS in the West

Referendum is finally live on the mainnet!
The EOS mainnet now has a live referendum system! The contract was recently approved and placed into a system account on the EOS mainnet by the Block Producers. With it comes the ability for token holders to clearly voice their opinion on many different matters that they feel are important to them. This is a huge step forward in on-chain governance in the blockchain space.

The System was approved by more than 16 BPs: EOS Authority Website

Read more about the Referendum System here: EOS Canada — answers to every question you have about the eos referendum contract.

How to vote guide: EOSGO — eos beginners referendum vote

LiquidEOS introduces LiquidApps — a platform that scales EOS! LiquidEOS one of the top Block Producers in the EOS mainnet and team behind Bancor introduce LiquidApps.

LiquidApps is a platform that plans to scale EOS! It does that with the use of the “DAPP Network” ($DAPP): a range of products for developers and service providers that will make development of DApps more affordable.

To begin with, the DAPP Network will include two great products:

-vRAM: an alternative storage solution that is decentralized, and enables storing and retrieving of potentially unlimited amounts of data affordably and efficiently.

-ZEUS: ZEUS is a DApp software development kit (SDK) that enables developers to utilize LiquidApps products when creating DApps.

The project will have a public sale that will start in February 2019 and end in January 2020.

For more info:

EOS Infra — Enterprise grade PaaS for EOS
EOS Asia and BlockMatrix introduced EOS Infra an enterprise grade PaaS for EOS is here. The beta has processed 10 billion requests, gets 400 million requests a day, and 50% of the top 10 EOS DApps use the service. have designed their service by collaborating with some of the top DApps in the EOS ecosystem, developing enterprise grade features so that DApps can offer the best possible experience to their customers.
Medium Announcement

Transit API
EOS New York has released the Transit API, an open-source standard that allows for easy compatibility between the best signature providers and dApps in an easy-to-use API and minimalist footprint. Now developers will no longer have to worry about setting up wallet connections, and will be able to focus with their dApp development.

The Transit API is already used by Everipedia, BancorX, eosDAC, Greymass, SimplEOS and Chintai.
Medium Announcement

EVA authorized to operate in Quèbec
The first ride-sharing application based on the EOS blockchain, EVA, has finally been authorized by the Canadian government to operate in Québec. The commercial launch date has yet to be disclosed, however we can expect commercial operations in Montreal in a few weeks.
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Worbli presents TokenORO
Worbli announced their first application in conjunction with TokenORO. Worbli and TokenORO, will allow access to a gold backed stable coin. Token holders will hold gold bullion and own a stake in gold mining operations around the world. This first tokenization project sets the standards for future projects removing geographic and wealth barriers, middlemen and cost friction, whilst enhancing liquidity on tangible assets with wider distribution and ownership.

In addition to TokenOro, several others are due to launch on WORBLI in the coming months including an innovative trading platform, a decentralized risk transfer application built for the insurance industry and a digital asset to fiat currency conversion as a key account feature. These applications support WORBLI to develop relationships with businesses who are building the next generation of banking and payment applications. This will enable a new era where transactions via cryptocurrencies are simple, fast, and affordable.
Press release

Scatter tease, ‘Scatter Bridge’
Rami James from the Scatter team, teased a new feature for their product called: Scatter Bridge.

Scatter Bridge allows DApp developers to assume full or partial costs for account creation on behalf of users. DApps can ask new users to insert at least an external identification, such as the email address, a mobile phone number or a social account like Facebook, to create new EOS accounts, thus reducing the hassle of creating new accounts.

New users will be able to access DApps using their external verification account (email, phone, social network etc..), now linked to their EOS account.
Twitter Link

Tokenized securities are finally coming to EOS
Electronic trading systems developer has announced the Financial Securities Protocol (FSP), the first of its kind on EOS. The purpose driving the creation of FSP is “asset self-sovereignty” by baking in compliance requirements into the asset itself thus making tokenized securities possible on EOS.
Medium Announcement

EOS Marketcap now has more than 150 tokens!
The EOS Marketcap now reached a new milestone. More than 150 tokens are part of the EOS marketcap ranking, with a total marketcap of 338 million USD.
Look it up here:

Work in Progress on an Automated Solution for the Lost EOS Genesis Keys
An automated key recovery solution for community members who’ve lost access to their EOS genesis accounts has been presented by members of eosDAC, EOS Argentina, LibertyBlock, CryptoLions, EOS Authority, and EOS Nation.

The scope of this automated solution is to focus on building an automated EOS key recovery system for token holders that falls “in scope”, as defined below:

  • Token holders who have registered an EOS account pre-genesis, have access to their ETH private key, but don’t have access to working EOS private keys for that account.
  • Token holders who are eligible to use the fallback process, but prefer not to.

The work in progress will enable token holders to prove ownership of their EOS account by signing a message with ETH private key that’s been registered to it. A Smart Contract will verify the ETH signature, including a mechanism to start the process of approving a key change. There will also be a script that will verify there’s been no transactions authorized on the EOS account, and possibly other checks on the original ETH account. This automated solution will enable a significant number of our friends in the EOS community to recover their rightful ownership of their EOS tokens.
Medium Announcement

EOS in the East

The BOS sidechain is live, and processed the first Inter Blockchain Communication transaction!
The BOS Network is the newest addition to the EOSIO sidechain ecosystem. $BOS is committed to build an ecosystem that supports more DApps by providing a user-friendly infrastructure for DApp operations.

50 million BOS tokens were airdropped to EOS mainnet accounts.You can interact with the blockchain thanks to tools like and
BOS has also achieved the first ever Inter Blockchain Communication transaction with EOS. It is now possible to transfer EOS tokens to the BOS network, and BOS tokens to the EOS mainnet by using the ‘’ smart contract.

Soon more token communications will be available from BOS to EOS and vice versa. The speed of IBC is expected to improve too.

For more info about IBC and BOS:
Github Documentation

Meet.One launch their sidechain testnet!
Meet one launch their testnet and announces the settings and specification that their EOSIO chain will adopt. The details can be read in their medium post, while the testnet is viewed in EOSX block explorer:
Medium Announcement

EOS Knights is the top-performing blockchain game in December
EOS Knights is still the most used DApp in the EOS mainnet. After 6 months from launch they maintain the top performing spot in the EOS DApps ecosystem, reaching over 5k users daily. It recently reached a new milestone, during December it succeeded as the top performing blockchain game of the month.
Press release

GenerEOS runs first EOS workshop at Western Sydney University
GenerEOS held its first EOSIO Smart Contract development workshop for PhD students at the University of Western Sydney, Australia (UWS).

They are looking forward to many more workshops to come in 2019, expanding to more Universities across Australia and globally.
Medium Announcement

Announcing the Stablecoin Research Institute
On January 23, 2019, the Stable Coin Research Institute was established and initiated by Starteos, one of the top 21 Block producers on EOS blockchain.

The Stablecoin Research Institute is a non-profit, purely academic research institute that will focus on technical research and analysis related to the Stablecoin Projects and will regularly publish research reports with participating entities. The Joint Laboratory of Blockchain Technology Research and Application at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China will provide technical support to the Institute.

The launching and implementation of the Stablecoin Research Institute is inseparable from the participation of community forces, and the number of institutions currently joined has reached 25 entities. The wide participation of the community to the stablecoins research and the objective evaluation of the Stablecoin Research Institute has made the centralized stable currency have an authoritative evaluation reference, and will also fill the gap in the industry’s research on the stabilization of currency in specialized technology.
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Link Foundation

The Link Foundation is a cross-border advocate for the crypto community working to bring the human element back to the EOS blockchain.