Liquify Roadmap for 2024

6 min readFeb 12, 2024


The Liquify Portal is coming, Lido DVT on mainnet, big infrastructure boost, lots of hires, security certifications and growing our chain offering to a 100 chains. Liquify is expanding quickly!

As we move into February we have planned out the roadmap of Liquify for this coming year. Liquify exists and thrives due to its deep partnerships with all the Web3 projects we serve infra towards. Since our plans are so full of exciting developments that will benefit these partnerships, we felt it is worth sharing with you all!

2023 was a huge growth year for Liquify, Looking forward to building on this growth throughout 2024. We have a lot in the pipeline to help strengthen liquify and it’s partners — Andy, CEO Liquify

The year of 2023 was a phenomenal year of growth during a bear market. The year 2024 will see further expansion on all fronts. In this blog we will discuss some of the highlights such as the upcoming Liquify Portal, Liquify’s custom dashboard plans, Lido’s DVT participation, infra and team growth and what goals we are targeting to achieve during this year.

Introducing the Liquify Portal

Our service offering has grown tremendously over the last year. To maximise and simplify our wide range of products and services we are working hard on launching our very own Liquify Portal. Providing B2C RPCs through a clear user interface. The Portal will be a one stop shop for all Web3 partners and projects looking for cheap, reliable and secure infrastructure solutions.

(Readers of our newsletter already knew of this major upcoming milestone for Liquify, subscribe here and be early next time)

Sneak peek into the Liquify Portal documentation

The Portal will be servicing both our own long list of chain options, with highly reliable uptime of 99.95% by SLA as well as the decentralised option of our POKT Network Gateway! Both options of course are powered by our bare metal server setup, making sure we as a space are moving away from cloud reliance.

What to expect?

We are aiming for the Portal to be live in Q2 already!

The POKT Gateway Gets More Lanes

Liquify is one of the biggest validators on the Pocket network and has authored multiple POPs as well as running a dedicated snapshot service. Suffice to say, we like POKT. The network has gone through multiple large developments, now allowing for external Gateways to decentralise their RPC service. Liquify is proud to be one of the new Gateways as it is fully in line with our own mission towards a more robust and decentralised infrastructure tech stack.

A look into the future Gateway UI

What to expect?

An additional public POKT Gateway by Liquify operational in the coming months.

Expect a lot more Customised Dashboards for your Favourite Upcoming Protocols!

With the POKT Gateway comes a fully custom built frontend, making sure the network is ever more resilient! Pioneered by Liquity, the crypto space is slowly catching up on the importance of having multiple frontends accessible by a distributed set of hosts.

Liquify and its extensive experience with node operating and RPCs is capable of delivering highly customisable dashboards for upcoming and existing ecosystems. Whereas most explorers only focus on transactions, Liquify dashboards additionally highlight node health, uptime, failure rate can create validator reporting and much more. With PoS becoming ever more important in securing crypto networks, having deep insights into which validator you delegate towards is vital for these communities.

What to expect?

Many more prime dashboards going live, with the Arkeo dashboard being first to see the light of day!

Lido DVTs through SSV and Obol and the Road to Mainnet

Liquid Staking was one of the biggest DeFi developments of 2023, and now Lido is experimenting with DVT clusters in order to make this largest LST (and DeFi!) protocol more decentralised. We can’t overstate how excited we are for this to materialise! As LSTs are now dominating DeFi, with Lido counting for close to half of all TVL, participating in its DVT trials and upcoming mainnet is arguably the most impactful development Liquify will be a part of. Liquify testnet validators are in DVT clusters run by SSV as well as by Obol!

What to expect?

Mainnet for DVT infrastructure in Q2 going live, including yours truly.

Way More Bare Metal Servers!

We can’t stress it enough. Crypto needs to get off of cloud reliance. To support our growth plans of supporting ever more chains and relays (more on that in our Goals of the Year at the end of this blog), Liquify is buying more bare metal servers. Racks full of them. Our server setup currently is globally distributed over 6 regions, providing fast geomeshing and redundancy. The first region getting an upgrade is Germany, with the rest following during the rest of the year. We guarantee 99.95% service uptime by SLA. And will continue to do so.

What to expect?

During 2024 we plan to increase our servers of 250 up to 400. Top of the class uptime for your nodes and RPCs.

Scaling Securely

Growing at fast speeds seems almost as a given within crypto. However, we do not want to move fast and break things. Our validators have never been slashed and our setup is fully non-custodial. Liquify has always put the highest focus on our security having had 2 external full-scale pen tests completed and currently going after the prestigious ISO certification.

What to expect?

ISO 27001 accreditation will be finalised in Q2.

Increasing the Liquify Workforce

Providing highly reliant infrastructure with a low cost while being off of cloud has proven to be a sought after alternative within the blockchain infrastructure industry. As we help protocols move over and scale, we as Liquify need to expand alongside. Last year we tripled and this year we aim to increase our team size to 20 people. Making sure the increased workflow can continue flowing through the Liquify ecosystem. During the month of January we have added two new members already, one of which will specifically focus on DVT technology while the other will help partners with custom indexers.

What to expect?

Consistent services and a steady stream of content and podcasts! Check out our latest one with Tenderize here:

Towards 1B Daily Relays and 100 Chains Supported

By increasing our server numbers and team size 60% we are working towards hitting targets of 1 billion RPCs a day by June, doubling what we did in 2023. Just in January alone we added support for the likes of Coreum, Neon, Polygon zkEVM and zkSync. We are confident in expanding our chain offering from 60+ to over 100, while most alternative providers offer 10 to 20.

As we aim to support over 100 chains, the scalability of our RPC services are more crucial than ever. Discover our RPC services and their role in our multi-chain future by reading more here.

Our grand vision is becoming one of the most stable and reliable infra alternatives compared to cloud hosting. To get there, we will grow our service offering and make sure we give our partners a more complete and cost effective solution for their protocols to build upon. 2024 will be a big year!

About Liquify

Founded in 2021, Liquify Ltd is a certified UK based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) company servicing institutions and foundations.

In need of a reliable validator partner? Looking for an RPC provider that has guaranteed uptime? Contact us here.

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Liquify is an all in one staking and management platform customised for enterprise and institutional partners