Liquify Staking Brings You More Reward with Less Risk

5 min readMar 12, 2024


Staking is the component that makes blockchains game-theoretically secure, by letting users have skin in the game with actual funds ‘at stake’. Choosing us as your node provider, you’re not just opting for a service; you’re aligning with a vision for a decentralised future.

What makes Liquify’s setup special?

There are plenty of other places to read about the different types of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) systems and staking details. What is most important to know is that staking is essential in cryptocurrency as it secures blockchain PoS networks, enables decentralisation, and rewards its validator participants with passive income in return. Most Web3 protocols are permissionless and allow any of their token holders to run their node client, lock their tokens in their staking contract and participate in their PoS consensus mechanism. Running your own validator node however comes with a lot of trade offs, as explained here . It requires know-how, time commitment, security measurements and constant monitoring.

Liquify as a bare metal provider not only offers superior performance but also mitigates the risks of shared infrastructure (running your validator node on a cloud), providing a secure environment for staking. This is crucial for any VCs and individuals who deal with substantial capital, as any downtime or performance hiccups could translate into significant financial losses. Ensuring a seamless, efficient, and secure flow of data is crucial, and that’s where Liquify stands out.

Due to our self owned Bare Metal Server setup, Liquify is able to guarantee uptime of 99.95%+ uptime by SLA. This combined with our distribution across 6 global areas allows for redundancy and always having backup nodes handy. We can proudly say this has meant no slashing events on any Liquify validator ever and even if it would happen, we would cover the damage and make our partners whole.

Bare Metal Servers Mean Less Risk of Downtime

Our mission is to provide the Web3 ecosystem with cost effective alternatives to cloud servers, hereby furthering decentralisation throughout. We do not build our own staking solutions, instead only using native staking contracts and ask partners to delegate to our validators. Non-custodial staking services like Liquify ensures decentralisation, no unnecessary additional smart contract risk and always making sure you as the token holder stay in control.

Non-Custodial Staking With Liquify Means You Hold The Keys

Liquify is Validating All Over The Crypto Ecosystem

We are securing over $200M in TVL, making our list of validator nodes long and diverse:

Liquify is running validator nodes for many Cosmos based chains such as Akash Network, IXO, Kava Chain, Persistence One and Sif Chain Network

Polkadot Network and its Polkadex and Aleph Zero.

Lido validators through the DVT clusters of Obol Network and SSV Network. And recently EigenLayer got added as well.

L1s such as Fuse,, Cere Network, Avalanche and NEAR Protocol.

Due to Liquify running nodes on over 60 chains, we are also well situated to run validators for multichain projects like THORChain, Maya Protocol, POKT Network and Paloma.

Backed up and trusted by TRGC and Dominance Ventures, we are confident we can help organisations and communities build and run their business and projects more efficiently than managing it in-house. As one of the top choices for node provisioning, we are recognized for our dedication to performance, security, and unparalleled support.

“Liquify is one of the most essential parts of the TRGC ecosystem! From whitelabel validators, to custom infra and RPC endpoints they are able to service our assets and portcos with efficient, cost-effective infrastructure.” — Etiënne vantKruys Managing Partner (TRGC)

Our Liquify Staking Offering

Working with Proof-of-Stake since the very beginning, we know how to efficiently and securely run validator nodes. We offer flexible rewards set up so you can choose the rewards approach that works best for you.

With our non-custodial validator setup we are able to offer full whitelabel solutions where your project can use its own UI and branding. Our bare metal servers and global distribution of data centres will guarantee an uptime of 99.95% and above, by SLA, ensuring a reliable and cost efficient service.

With over $250M in TVL staked, we take security seriously. Besides mitigating slashing risk through sustained uptime, we are constantly improving our firewalls and security setups. Liquify is under-going ISO 27001 accreditation with 2 external full-scale pen tests already completed.

Reach out if your project needs top of the class reliable validators or if you or your fund want to focus less on uptime and slashing risks and want to benefit from consistent staking rewards. As we are running nodes on over 60 chains and are already validating on over 20 of these, we are confident that we can support your preferences.

Validating a Decentralised Future

“We truly believe that the Web 3.0 industry can only reach decentralisation by limiting cloud infrastructure reliance and adding certified bare-metal providers with global coverage to secure networks” — Andy Pohl (Liquify — CEO)

Staking cuts to the core of blockchain technology. If we as a community allow the majority of crypto infrastructure to be run on centralised cloud companies, we will pay the bill down the line. As Web3 is growing ever larger, servicing ever more people around the world, Liquify wanted to play its part in providing alternatives that adhere to the spirit of decentralisation.

If a couple of centralised cloud providers could shut down a blockchain due to an outage, or worse, what have we really accomplished?

Proprietary bare-metal servers mean that we can actually guarantee the up-time and efficiency, while projects can maintain control over their private keys and we avert the risk of chain downtime.

As we truly believe in the importance of decentralisation in the Web 3.0 industry, our use of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) is the key to ensuring high uptime and efficiency. Learn more about our approach to scalable and secure blockchain infrastructure here

About Liquify

Founded in 2021, Liquify Ltd is a certified UK based Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) company servicing institutions and foundations. The Liquify team brings years of experience in devops, security, automation and global infrastructure set up with focus on quality of service and decentralisation.

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Liquify is an all in one staking and management platform customised for enterprise and institutional partners