Healers vs. Naturopaths: Does Your Doctor Have the Skill to Heal

Lis Carpenter
5 min readDec 13, 2019


I promised that I would write about the Herb Doc that I mentioned in one of my other articles. What’s funny about this is I was telling people that Schulze was just a copycat who had better marketing than Dr. Christopher (the original herb doctor, founder of the School of Natural Healing). Today, I learned that Dr. Schulze is called Dr. John Christopher’s greatest student.

In this article, I am going to share a little bit about why you may not be getting results with your natural health practitioner, consultant, or physician according to Dr. Schulze, who just like Dr. Christopher popularized the phrase:

“There are no incurable diseases.”

The Modern Illness of Comfort and Convenience

Dr. Schulze mocked the idea of naturopathic remedies as “complementary treatments” because it is equivalent to saying they are not as effective as traditional treatments that often harm the body.

He explained that a reason why they are called “complimentary treatments” is because the herbal supplements are weak the approaches inadequate. He made sure he used the most potent herbs, and favors aggressive approaches that usually VERY uncomfortable for patients.

For example, Dr. Schulze would have a terminal patient on four or more different waste elimination programs at once instead of doing one at a time in a specialized order. This approach would yield “miraculous” results, and patients that came to his clinic searching for natural pain management or to die with dignity would have to rethink how they would be spending their next couple of years after they realized they were well.

Photo by Louisa Potter on Unsplash

Both Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze used reflexology, an Eastern form of medicine that involves applying pressure to “reflex points” on the hands or feet that correspond to other points in the body.

In reference to reflexology, Dr. Schulze is recorded to have said “If you are easy on the patient, you’re not helping them; you are leaving them sick.”

I had a really good reflexology massage in Taiwan. It was one of the most painful experiences in my life. I am indebted to my friend Yu-wen for taking me there though, otherwise I would not have known that it works because I was just told Eastern Medicine was of the devil by my Christian teachers. I had a reflexology foot massage in Indonesia, it was bad, only slightly uncomfortable with no noticeable effects.

The Medical Practices Are Gone, But Education Still Present

The only doctor I see that comes close to what Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze did is Dr. Tent of Diverse Health Services. He is aggressive with supplementation to get patients turned around quickly. One big difference I have noticed is that Dr. Tent is not using his own formulations. He reads extensively in his field and connected patients to the best treatments he can find, but he is no herbalist.

In contrast, Dr. Christopher taken to court by naturopathic physicians in Utah (who were ineffective). He was getting miraculous results, healing too quickly, which made them look bad and cut into their bottom line.

Have you ever thought that your naturopath might be dragging out your treatment just to make more money off of your condition? Be informed and don’t let this happen to you. Take an active role in your treatment decisions.

Photo by Dapo Oni on Unsplash

Dr. Schulze — after 20 years of practice saw many recovered from their death beds — 16 patients totally recovered from full-blown, last-stage AIDS (Dr. Sebi made similar claims.)

Not enough intensity

Dr. Schulze is different from your naturopathic doctor because he was not afraid of harming the patient or them complaining and suing him for emotional distress. His protocols would have the intensity of two weeks of treatment in one day. Nobody died from the treatment, unlike chemo which kills more people than cancer.

Grounding and other non-traditional treatments

Grounding or earthing is growing somewhat in popularity. But, Dr. Schulze and Dr. Christopher were using this treatment as part of their health protocols before it became well-known (It’s still not really well-known). Learn about grounding by walking in the grass or on the seashore barefoot here.

Hydrotherapy was another treatment that Dr. Schulze used and has many ancient documents to back up it efficacy. In Japan, the bath houses use a combination of very hot baths and cold pools to promote health and longevity. Dr. Schulze spoke of Benedict Lust ‘s blood washing method that helped incurable conditions by combining 8 hours of showing with herbal treatment.

Aggressive herbal formulas Dr. Schulze believes that every American (on the Standard American Diet) will have some form of bowel disease if they live long enough. So, he primarily dealt with cleansing the waste eliminating pathways of the body, starting with the bowels. He stated that 97% of his patients recovered after completing the Bowel Cleansing and Detoxification Program. Other naturopaths called his formulas dangerous because they had to make excuses for the ineffectiveness of their treatments.

A sign of a great herbalist or naturopath is they KNOW how to heal. They do not try different treatments to see if they’ll work. They are not “practicing” treatments on you. They are providing a protocol that will bring you back into wholeness if you follow it.


I hope at this point you are realizing how much more vital it is to cleanse your body internally than externally. And, that complete nutrition is required to remain healthy and not easy to come by.

Here is a list of resources to get you help you continue on your journey to better health:

So, how does your natural health practitioner measure up? What is their success rate?

To Your Health!


Affiliate Disclosure: I have Amazon affiliate links in this article. They are great for me to pick up spare change from writing informative articles that help you. They are great for you if you would like to support me in educating others on how to take charge of their health and healing.



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.