Bitter Apricot Kernels — a Misinformation Campaign

Lis Carpenter
3 min readNov 25, 2019


I started my journey on Medium with the story of Jason Vale, a man who has spent his life sharing and selling bitter apricot seeds as a cure for cancer. I was surprised that he had surfaced in the news again this year (2019).

Now, I would like to lend some perspective to those of you who are afraid of the bitter apricot seeds because they have cyanide in them (so we’re told).

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

I’m not anti-science; that’s just stupid, but I do have a problem with research studies while knowing that it does not take much to make a research study say what you desire. And, most research is expensive and time consuming (out of reach for the common consumer), so most believe what they’re told.

And, I’m telling you, refusing to think for yourself, and just doing what you’re told can cost you your life.

I shared the story of my mom recovering from her lymphoma, but I did not share the story of my Aunt Bertha who died under the care of her physician, Dr. Benn.

My auntie was diagnosed with cancer and did not get a second opinion. She started the chemo and radiation rounds immediately, and one doctor gave her extra rounds of radiation because ‘she had good insurance’ that covered most of it.

She was run by fear. She was SO SCARED she was going to die that she permitted the illogical treatment. The radiation actually burned a hole clear through her breast. Oh, I forgot to mention, it was breast cancer, at first.

My father (her brother) finally convinced her to get a second opinion. And, the other doctors could not find cancer in her system.

She went back to Dr. Benn, and she told my dear Aunt Bertha that she must have recovered quickly but would still need to take a shot every month that costed over a grand and continue with chemo to keep the cancer in remission.

At some point before the second opinion, she told my aunt the cancer had spread to her stomach…

Amidst this insanity, my dad had convinced my aunt to take the bitter apricot seeds from WellGood. So, she was fairing much better than patients normally do on chemo, but when Dr. Benn prescribed her an experimental chemo drug she started randomly passing out: toxic overload. There was even a point at which she stopped breathing, and my cousin had her rushed to the hospital.

If she wasn’t dying before, she was now. And, the funny thing is, she felt fine before she was told she had breast cancer as most people who have cancer feel okay until they are told that they have only months or weeks to live. Aunt Bertha did not survive her treatments.

I am not sure if the rumor that I had heard on the Truth About Cancer and in Hal Elrod’s interview is true that oncologists get kickbacks (paid) for prescribing chemo drugs, but I do know that some greedy doctors have lied and actually sent people to their graves by telling them they had cancer when they never did.

That’s right. Dr. Fata in Michigan was caught, but with chemo and radiation both causing cancer, would the people ever know? (←click here, the pic isn’t hyperlinked.)

So, before you let fear lead you to your grave, I would talk to a few people that have felt the benefits of bitter apricot kernels, bitter almonds (aka the original almonds), and peach seeds.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links. If you should wisely choose to click those links and buy some bitter seeds on Amazon, Amazon will give me a kickback for the referral ;-)



Lis Carpenter

A poet who pens truth. Contact me if you want out of Big Pharma’s grasp.