Listen opens limited beta test plan

4 min readOct 14, 2022


After the unremitting efforts of the development team, the Listen mainnet is ready, and the App is also being continuously optimized and updated;

In order to test the stability of the chain and the app before the official launch, Listen officials decided to organize a limited internal test event in advance, and listeners who successfully completed the test will also receive LT airdrop rewards.

Test time: October 15, 2022 — November 15, 2022
Recruitment: 1000 people
Test reward: 500LT/person

Task details:

  1. Follow official twitter
    Reward: 50LT
    Official Twitter Link:
    Task description: After following the official Twitter, you need to send your own Twitter link to the official assistant (ListenDAO) in ListenApp for verification. After the verification is successful, the assistant will transfer LT through the Listen wallet address.
    Reward distribution: 50% of the first distribution and the remaining 50% will be sent after completing the group punch-in test task.
  2. Retweet official tweets
    Reward: 50LT
    Task description: After following Twitter, you need to retweet the first “Limited Internal Beta Tweet” with a comment. After success, forward the link of the tweet to the official assistant (ListenDAO) in ListenApp for verification.
    After the verification is successful, the assistant transfers LT through the Listen wallet address.
    Reward distribution: 50% of the first distribution and the remaining 50% will be sent after completing the group punch-in test task.
  3. Official group check-in
    Reward: 50LT
    Listen DAO — en ID: 71668285; users who speak English, Spanish, etc. join.
    Listen DAO — Chinese ID: 56685062; Chinese speakers join.
    Task Description:
    a. Add an official communication group in the Listen App. These two groups have not set a group fee. You only need to pay the gas fee to join the group. The basic gas fee can be collected from the “Airdrop” interaction button in the personal center of the app.
    b. Send punch-in information every day: “On the xx day of the internal test, A group is a DAO” and @ListenDAO (official assistant)
    Reward distribution: 5LT/day is manually credited to the account after daily check-in (based on completing tasks 1 and 2), after 10 consecutive days of successful check-in, the remaining 1 and 2 unsent LT will be issued.
  4. Participate in an official AMA voice live broadcast
    Reward: 50LT
    Task description: When the official AMA voice live broadcast event is organized, users can join the live broadcast and sign in in the interactive area to exchange 50LT rewards. Raise your hand to speak will also receive additional rewards for participating in the live broadcast interaction.
    Reward distribution: Rewards will be distributed the day after the AMA ends.
  5. Create a group of more than 100 people in the app
    Reward: 100LT
    Task description: Create a new group in the app, invite a small assistant (ListenDAO) to join the group, and let the group size reach 100 (pulling zombie users is invalid). Users who join the group need to speak.
    Reward distribution: If you meet the requirements, you can find a small assistant (ListenDAO) to exchange rewards.
    Special reminder: The official will select some groups to airdrop LT candies in groups with better ranking and interaction, and will also airdrop NFT benefits when NFT goes online. The detailed plan will be announced before NFT goes online.
  6. Host an AMA Voice Live
    Reward: 200LT
    Task description: After meeting the requirements of group members, you can report the live broadcast to the assistant (ListenDAO), and generate a voice live broadcast notice. After the report, the live broadcast start time should be at least 24 hours apart; the live broadcast time should be more than 20 minutes, and more than 5 speakers will participate.
    Reward distribution: It will be distributed the next day after the live broadcast interaction ends.
  7. Submit the feedback summary of the internal test
    Reward: 200LT
    Task description: After users complete the test, they can submit test feedback before the end of the activity, and the top 100 who fill in and are successfully adopted will be rewarded 200LT.
    Reward distribution: After adoption, the feedback information will be sorted out for publicity, and a small assistant will be found to exchange rewards after publicity.

Special Note:

  1. The above test is a real test, real interactive feedback is required, any cheating is prohibited, and all rewards will be cancelled if found.
  2. This test is only for registered users of mobile phone numbers, and registered users of mailbox numbers need to bind their mobile phones.
  3. iOS has not been updated to the latest version, it is recommended to use an Android phone to participate in the test

User registration and login process:

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Listen is a voice social software based on data decentralized storage technology and blockchain technology.