4 min readApr 2, 2015

A collaboration between Litographs (we make art from books!) and Buddhist author and meditation teacher Lodro Rinzler.

—Writing Prompt —

Share Your Daily Mindfulness Routine

What do Leonard Cohen, Bill Gates, Oprah, and even Wolverine all have in common? They all have a mindfulness practice.

Meditation is supported by a huge body of mainstream scientific research which has suggested that at any given time almost half of us are lost in thought unrelated to what’s in front of us — and when we are mentally wandering — we are significantly less happy.

Today there are millions around the world from all manner of professions, faiths and nationalities and even entire organisations such as Medium, the team who built the beautiful platform that you are currently reading from, who have embraced mindfulness in their own unique way.

Below are four more questions and Lodro Rinzler’s personal meditation routine as inspiration to get started with writing your response. Be sure to read to the end for details on how to win a surprise gift from the Litographs Team!

Lodro Rinzler’s Mindfulness Routine

Lodro Rinzler is the founder of the Institute for Compassionate Leadership and the author of several books on mindfulness including the best-selling “The Buddha Walks into a Bar”.

“I often practice in the morning after my morning coffee. I also teach meditation several evenings a week; thus book-ending my day with meditation practice.”

“One thing I have found helpful over the last several years is to set a timer when I know I am going to be working for many hours straight. Every hour when it goes off I close my laptop, raise my gaze, and practice calm-abiding meditation. After a minute or so I return to my work, setting the timer again for another hour.”

“Doing so breaks up the work routine and habitual momentum, and allows me to return to what’s going on right now, several times throughout my day.”

— Lodro Rinzler

There is no ‘right’ way to be mindful — you may prefer to do it in a group, or whilst running, or using the Headspace app, or sitting alone on a cushion, whilst eating or simply walking through a park. Tell us whatever it is that you have found to be helpful as it might be useful for others!

From the interviews with Buster Benson and Philip Rosedale
From the interviews with Alex Tew and Derek Flanzraich
From the interviews with Rachel Joy and John Allspaw

Credit to Erin for providing these quotes from her interview series.

Start writing your response below the recommend button to share your daily mindfulness routine.

You can also check out Lodro’s book ‘The Buddha Walks into a Bar: A Guide to Life for a New Generation’ and you can also sign up here to receive the first chapter of his next book ‘How to Love Yourself’ for free.

The response with the most recommends at midnight PST Wednesday 15th April will be tweeted out by both @Litographs and @LodroRinzler and the winner will be sent a surprise gift from the Litographs Team!

Lodro has partnered with Litographswho have created the below illustration using the entire text from Lodro’s ‘The Buddha Walks into a Bar’ and printed it onto a t-shirt, poster and tote bag.

Click here to download a pack of 13 creative commons photos that we have curated for you to include in your responses — enjoy!

Once you have written and published your response be sure to share it wherever you can and tweet using #mindfulprompt and mention both @Litographs and @lodrorinzler.

Note that you will need to be logged into your Medium account to write a response below — you can do this via the green button in the top-right hand corner.


Books on t-shirts, posters, tote bags, scarves & more!