Meanwhile, outside the Colosseum, part 3


Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2016


[Near lover’s lane, outside the Colosseum, Day 4]

(with apologies to Graham Anderson)

Somewhere in the unwashed masses milling around the Colosseum, a wannabe journalist accompanied by his film “crew” — a very smart Belgian Shepherd with an iPhone — conducts “man on the street” interviews, looking for reactions to what is taking place behind the stadium walls.

The reporter walked along a small garden path shaded with trellis. Behind the occasional tall, thick bush-tree thingie (let’s just say I don’t have a green thumb), couples shared a furtive kiss, and refused, for some reason, to be interviewed. Finally, in a clearing, he saw a crouching figure dressed in brown robes. As he approached, he saw a colorless bald man with enormous ears, clawing at the ground with enormous claw-like fingers. When asked, he turned toward the reporter and said his name was Friedrich while tearing a live chicken apart with his massive fangs. Instead of giving his opinion of on the action going on in the arena, Friedrich looked at the top of the stadium’s walls, whispered the name Kylie, and screamed up into the night:

We are two wandering souls meant to seize everlasting love — and power.

Every moment apart, are we not tortured spirits? This wretched purgatory ends now. Kylie, you must know my blackened heart.

The reporter decided to find another interviewee post haste, while his camera man bookmarked this swell t-shirt.

(To be continued…)

Please write a sentence in the comments below stating where you are, maybe who you’re with and what you’re doing as the Grammar Games rage on. Thanks!

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Write a sentence in the comments below stating where you are, maybe who you’re with and what you’re doing as the Grammar Games rage on.

Just. One. Lousy. Sentence.


Okay, now I’m serious. I’ve asked nicely. How can I make this more clear? We are doing a collaborative story. We don’t need stupid little green hearts. We need one stinking sentence. Just one. It doesn’t have to be creative. If you can’t imagine what you are doing and what you see if you were in the stands watching the Grammar Games just say what you’re doing right now. How’s that? See those custom tags just underneath? Read what they say and pay attention, okay?


Everything you never wanted to know about…

The Grammar Games, including rules and eligibility, all chapters, man on the street interviews, yelp reviews, side tales, praise from the book jacket, newspaper reports and, of course, our Kickstarter funding program.

As always, “Will write for donuts.”



Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time