The Power of Trading Journal

How can a trading journal change your trading game?

Louis Javier
7 min readApr 20, 2023
Trading Journal: A poster illustrating a newspaper like layout with bad news, good news and informative lessons posted. A typical example of what’s inside a “Trading Journal”. | Layout by Louis Javier

Part 4/8: The Power of Trading Journal

Atrading journal is an essential tool for tracking your performance, identifying patterns, and making data-driven decisions.

In this article, we will explore the power of keeping a trading journal and provide tips on how to create and use a journal to improve your trading game. With a trading journal you can gain valuable insights into your trading activities and make better-informed decisions.

“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.” — Christina Baldwin

So, let’s dive in and take your trading game to the next level.

1. Review and Analysis

A trading journal provides a structured way to review and analyze your trades.

  • Keep track of your trades and outcomes so you can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t.
  • Analyzing your trading data can help you identify patterns or trends that may be impacting your performance.
  • Recognizing what you’re doing well and where you need to improve.

“Review your past trades to find your strengths and weaknesses. Use this knowledge to adjust your strategy, improve your trading and increase your profitability.” — Yvan Byeajee

2. Learning and Improvement

Reviewing your trades in detail, you can learn from your mistakes and make adjustments to your trading strategy.

  • Keeping a trading journal is an effective way to learn from your mistakes and improve your trading skills.
  • Analyzing your trading data, you can identify patterns and trends that may be affecting your trading performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Tracking your progress can show how your trading skills have improved.
  • Be honest and open about your strengths and weaknesses as a trader.

“Success in trading means learning and adapting constantly, never becoming complacent with your knowledge or skills.” — Nial Fuller

3. Accountability

A trading journal holds you accountable for your trades. Recording your trades and the outcomes can bolster your improvement.

  • Keeping a trading journal can help you stay accountable for your trades.
  • Recording your trades and their outcomes, you can assess your performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Maintain consistency in your trading approach and resist the temptation to make impulsive decisions.
  • Your trading journal can also serve as a tool to track your progress and ensure you are staying true to your goals.
  • Accountability is a powerful motivator that can help you achieve your long-term objectives.

A great trader is constantly learning, taking responsibility, and being accountable for their actions. They know that the key to success is not in the market, but within themselves.” — Linda Raschke

4. Emotional Control

Emotions can greatly impact your trading performance, and maintaining control over them is essential.

  • Record the emotions you experience before and during trades to identify patterns and triggers that may lead to impulsive decisions.
  • Analyze how your emotions affect your performance by reviewing your journal entries before and after trades.
  • Develop strategies for managing your emotions, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or taking breaks from trading when feeling overwhelmed.

Trading Story: Tom’s Emotional Roller Coaster

Tom, the trader, has been struggling with emotional decision-making while trading, which has resulted in losses. To be successful, Tom knows he needs to improve his emotional control and risk management strategies. In an effort to do so, he starts using a trading journal to hold himself accountable for his trades and to record his emotional reactions. This helps him identify patterns in his behavior and become more aware of his emotions while trading.

With the information he gains from his journal, Tom adjusts his risk management approach accordingly. He sets tighter stop-loss orders and takes smaller positions to limit his losses, ultimately managing his risk and avoiding significant losses. With a greater sense of accountability and emotional control, Tom is able to make more rational decisions and become a more successful trader.

If you also struggle with emotional decision-making while trading, consider using a trading journal like Tom. By holding yourself accountable for your trades, recording your emotional reactions, and identifying patterns in your behavior, you can improve your emotional control and risk management strategies, ultimately leading to more success in trading.

“Emotions are like a flame to a trader’s account, if not controlled they will burn it to the ground.” — Alexander Elder

5. Track Your Progress

Recording the details of each trade, you can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t and make informed adjustments to your strategy.

  • Keep a record of your successful trades and identify patterns and trends that contribute to your profits.
  • Track your losses and analyze the reasons behind them to improve your strategy and avoid repeating the same mistakes.
  • Use the information from your trading journal to evaluate your performance over time and determine whether you are meeting your trading goals.
  • Include key details such as stop losses, take profits, and your risk/reward ratio to ensure you are following your risk management plan.

“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” — W. Edwards Deming

6. Risk Management

A trading journal can help you manage your risk more effectively.

  • Record the position size you take for each trade and track how much of your portfolio you are risking.
  • Record stop loss levels for each trade to evaluate your risk management practices.
  • Comparing the potential reward to the potential risk for each trade, you can identify whether your trades have a favorable risk-reward ratio.
  • Analyzing your trading journal can help you identify trends in your risk management practices and make necessary adjustments.

“Avoiding risk altogether is not the answer to avoiding losses in trading; risk management is.” — Linda Bradford Raschke

7. Improve Discipline and Build Confidence

Improve your discipline by recording your trades and analyzing your behavior.

  • Identify areas where you need to exercise more self-control and adhere to your trading plan.
  • Developing strategies for improving your discipline can help you stay on track and make more informed decisions.

Build your confidence by reviewing your successful trades and the reasons behind them.

  • Focusing on your strengths and reinforcing the reasons for your successes can help you gain more trust in your trading decisions.
  • With increased confidence, you can avoid second-guessing yourself and make more assured trades.

Consider focusing on these two areas. By improving your discipline and building your confidence, you can become a successful trader.

“The disciplined trader consistently follows his trading plan, and the undisciplined trader consistently deviates from it.” — Brett Steenbarger

8. Reflect and Adjust

To improve your trading performance, it’s essential to reflect on both your successful and unsuccessful trades.

  • Analyzing your approach’s strengths and weaknesses, you can adjust your strategy to better align with the market’s ever-changing conditions.
  • It’s important to remain flexible and open to change since what worked yesterday may not work today.
  • To achieve your long-term trading goals and increase profitability, incorporate reflection and adjustment into your trading journal.

Trading Story: Peter’s Reflections and Adjustments

Peter, a struggling trader, realized he needed to change his approach to trading to achieve consistent profitability. He started using a trading journal to track his progress and reflect on his decisions.

Reflecting on his trades, Peter identified weaknesses in his risk management strategies. He had been taking too many large positions and not setting tight stop-loss orders. To limit his losses, he implemented new strategies and adjusted his approach to risk management.

Continuing to use his trading journal, Peter analyzed his trades and noticed patterns in his trading behavior. He made adjustments to his strategy and remained disciplined in his approach to risk management. Through reflection and adjustment, Peter achieved his trading goals and became a more successful trader.

“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” -Max McKeown

A trading journal is a powerful tool for traders at all levels. It can be used to track progress, manage risk, and continually on reflect and adjust your approach to trading. By utilizing this tool, traders can improve their discipline, build confidence, and achieve their long-term trading goals.

Keeping a detailed record of trading decisions and outcomes helps traders stay on track and make informed decisions. The key takeaway from this essay is that trading success requires discipline, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn and adapt. If you are a trader, consider starting a trading journal to help you achieve your goals.

What steps will you take to implement this important tool in your trading journey?

Hope these tips can help you in your journaling? Do you have any questions or areas you would like to explore?

Let’s make this discussion more fascinating and friendly! Remember, trading is a continuous learning journey, and we can all support each other along the way.



Louis Javier

UX Designer & Brand Builder. Learning every day & sharing insight. Join me for valuable content to inspire you. #myjourney #valuetoyou