A life of a cat: Epilogue

Luis Conejo
1 min readMar 16, 2018


Previous chapter

2 years later: There I stood, by a tree, with my brother. He said, "sis, you're awesome. I can't believe you found me!" and he threw me a big hug. It was choking me but I didn't care. Choco stood with his girlfriend, Lixxie. Lixxie said, "to Scout, Firefly, Delilah, and Choco. We'll never forget Aura and Oran, right? We were standing by their graves. Oran died of being too old and Aura died of dengue. Each day, we left flowers there. Tiger wasn't there because he was in Russia. Tinsle was playing tug of war with Willow. "Mine!" Tinsle shouted. "Tinsle, Willow!"I scolded. "You're going to knock over or break a tombst-". Willow whipped his tail on a grave and a part broke off. "Oopsies…" he said. Delilah dived into the lake nearby and caught eight fish for all of us. We ate then went back. We knew one day we would also die.



Luis Conejo

Software developer, traveler, aspiring novelist and short story writer with mixed results :-)