What?! Did I hear you say Michaelmas Day?

Lumen Press FUTO
3 min readSep 29, 2017


Yes. Michaelmas as in Christmas.

St. Michael the Archangel is considered by many of the Fathers to be ‘the’ Archangel. Renowned for his continual championship for the people of God, he is fittingly styled patron of the military.

The Christians of Egypt keep a feast in his honour on the 12th day of every month, a holy day of obligation in the month of June. He is to them the patron of the Nile, and there is a rising of the Nile midyear.

September 29, in the Roman calendar, is the feast of the Dedication of the Basilica built in his honour, and has come down to us as Michaelmas day.

Michaelmas day, renowned for great hospitality and daisies:

Michaelmas Daisies

“The Michaelmas daisies, among dede weeds,

Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds.

And seems the last of flowers that stood,

Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude.”

Among the many beautiful traditions surrounding Michaelmas day peculiar is the goose:

Goose, militia kinda

And when the tenants come to pay their quarter’s rent,

They bring some fowl at Midsummer, a dish of fish in Lent,

At Christmas a capon, at Michaelmas a goose

And somewhat else at New-year’s tide, for fear their lease fly loose.

~ sixteenth century poet

Lest St. Gabriel cease to bring messages from heaven and St. Raphael withhold the cure and a happy home, I must not forget to add: Michaelmas day is not St. Michael’s monopoly, all the Archangels are celebrated on this day too.

Many great men have borne the name of Michael, the 15th century sculptor and painter Michelangelo shines bright amongst them as his works forever grace the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Eternal City.

On this feast day of the Archangels, let us say a word in his praise and give thanks for a reflection of himself — a client of his whom it has been given us the privilege of knowing.

Michael Egbuna — LUMENite

Chike by mother, Egbuna by father. He is fittingly named Michael we must confess, he has been a refuge and the much needed breath of fresh air to us here at LUMEN Press.

Although not as battle-strong, he has adopted a pen for a sword, a smile for a shield, wit for a scale; with which wondrous instruments he has spilled precious ink to the delight of our pupils, those of our readership and his too!

See what he did in less than 5 minutes.

People rarely join our team in their finals, it was mysterious when he showed up first time.

But his presence has connected some dots and revealed to us a straight path, a transition from the old to the new, as mysterious as the line joining the seven shrines dedicated in honour of St. Michael — with Israel and Ireland at the edges. The legendary blow Lucifer couldn’t parry coming from the Prince of the Heavenly Host.

So much for a word, Happy Michaelmas day.

“Who is like God?”

Happy Birthday, Michael.

With Love from all of us at LUMEN Press.



Lumen Press FUTO

Press Arm of the Nigerian Federation of Catholic Students (NFCS), FUTO Chapter