I am an old soul. Are you?

Maaz Zulfiqar
5 min readJun 22, 2022


I am an old soul. Are you? (Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash)

Growing up as a kid in the early 2000s, I realized that I have this fascination for old things and old times. Now in my twenties, I firmly believe that I am an old soul.

What is an old soul?

While there are many definitions for it on the internet, I stick to my own. It is simple, “Any person who likes old things and old times, or wishes to have been alive in the years before his birth year ,or likes to do the things that people used to do in the old times”.

It’s a weird definition but anyway. You got the point(I hope so).

At the university, my class fellows used to visit cinema for a newly released movie, while I enjoyed watching a classic 80s action on the weekend. At first, I thought it was unnatural to like old stuff. But here on the internet, I have seen many people having feelings for the old things, and then I realized that I am not alone(and not weird too).

My taste for old things is not only limited to movies, but I also adore old technology, old photos and videos, old times, and many other things that I am going to list below:

1. Movies

While many people like to watch classics from time to time, for me, the first preference is always an oldie.

It’s not to say that I don’t watch new movies. But whenever I will be given a chance to choose between a newly released movie and an old one, I will always choose the latter.

I have watched movies from 50s black-and-white comedies to 90s’ science-fictions. But my all-time favorites are usually from the 80s and 90s.

2. Old photos

I love the photos taken from analog cameras. Especially, the old photos of my parents from the 80s and 90s. Love the small imperfections in them — bad colors, grains, scratches, etc.

3. Old Videos

I love the videos made from the old cameras, especially the VHS-Camera. Ever notice the grains, bad colors, and blur lines(try watching the wedding videos of your parents or uncles).

4. Physical Notebook/Diary

One of my favorite pastimes is writing in a notebook with my favorite fountain pen.

I do use a digital notebook, however, I still use a physical notebook for writing my daily journal, as well as for making my to-do lists.

I recently bought a new fountain pen, the kind of one which I used to write with in school. It’s so nostalgic.

I have been journaling for the last three years. I have filled up three journals till now, and I am onto the fourth now.

5. Books and Newspapers

Although I read most of the books in soft-from like everybody these. But sometimes, I still buy a book from a book shop, bargain the price, pack it in my backpack and take it home. It’s a great experience.

I prefer to read books sitting alone on a chair, and with a highlighter to highlight important lines.

Although these days we get free news from the news websites, I sometimes spend a little money to buy an actual newspaper. They have a unique smell.

6. Old Graphic Designs

retro audio cassette
Retro Cassette Design (Pic by the author)

I love the old vintage-retro graphic designs, be it the 80s bright-color designs or the 60s brown-ish designs.

As a matter of fact, I also design retro graphics that you can see here.

7. Old Architecture:

Those century-old arch-type structures, take you to a whole different era when there was no concept of reinforced concrete

The sight of dislocated bricks and peeled plaster makes you imagine the good and bad times those buildings have seen throughout their lifetime. And in those ruins somewhere, lie the stories of people who lived there decades ago.

Practically, you can’t visit most of the old architecture, but you can see them through videos and photos on the internet.

8. Just For Fun

Sometimes, just for fun, I convert my videos to black and white videos, and sometimes to a VHS-style video. Almost all mobile video editing apps have vintage effects to add to your videos.

Sometimes, I add vintage effects to my photos, to make them three decades years old. There is this amazing free app for Android and iOS, called Snapseed. It has a nice library of vintage and retro effects for photos.

I have colorized old black-and-white photos of my grandfather in Photoshop. It’s super fun.

9. Old Tech

I still have the old Dell P4 computer that we bough in the late-2000s, though its CPU no longer works. I also have the Panasonic AM radio, but I rarely listen to it. An old Sony tv also rests in our store that we bought in the 90s. It no longer gets any reception.

I am also thinking about buying a cassette player for my drawer full of audio cassettes. The old one ceased working years ago. A few VHS tapes in my cupboard are also waiting for a VCR.

10. Old Video Games

I am not big at video games. But I do like to play games that I used to play during my childhood on the P4 in the early-2000s.

I recently installed Need For Speed II SE, and its awesome. I play it on split screen with my nephew. I also like to play another old game Midtown Madness.

In the end, I bet you can relate to many of the things listed above. Maybe you are old soul too, or you know someone who is. Do tell me in the comments about how you feel being an old soul.

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