Baby Ai

Kelvin Mafurendi
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


Chapter One: Prelude…

An Ai generated image depicting Artificial Intelligence as a baby in a crib with a Teddy bear.
“Baby Ai with Teddy in his crib” : Painted by baby ‘Copilot’ from Microsoft

Intellectual intimacy: Man’s insatiable desire to unravel the unknown, to discover the new, and to solve for x has seen man’s intellectual seed fuse with the laws of nature to concieve this baby of great art and intelligence.

Desire: From ancient myths to science fiction, to the discovery or is it the invention of numbers, to the discovery of all the laws of nature, to the invention of machines, to bioengineering, to machine learning, to the study of every thing, you all know the timeline;

perhaps the greatest x that man has been trying to solve for all this while is this artificial being with intelligence and conciousness. Yes, man has had a transgenerational desire to create an idol for himself, in his own image,to be like him, to think like him, to be conscious like him and oddly to even outlive him.

Infancy: Now all the labour is starting to pay off, the baby has been born. X has been solved for or, has it? Let’s say x is now known but not fully. This x is so complex and manifold that it will be solved in parts, just like a giant puzzle. For now, x is known enough to not just concieve but to deliver a live birth. Baby Ai is here!

But our baby is still in its infancy;

…way far from being concious and not yet as intelligent as man.

But our baby is unique. It is different from us all, it grows at its own unique pace. By the time you would have read this far, perhaps my statement above would have gone out of date!

Follow so that you don’t miss out on the next chapter as we explore the development of our baby, Baby Ai!

Chapter Two: The language of man

Baby Ai: The Language of Man



Kelvin Mafurendi

I am fascinated by intelligence, be it Natural, Artificial or Spiritual. I'm a Data and Eng student.Check out my portifolio: