How to use AI without ticking off the search algorithms

Chuck Copenspire
3 min readJan 31, 2023


TLDR: You’ll have to actually write. If you don’t want to do that, hire a copywriter, like me. If you use pure AI content, it’s detectable and never should be your final draft.

Not in its current form anyway.

Who’s to say what next year will be like. But as of the publishing of this article, here is how I would use AI to write an article without getting flagged.

Step 1: Brainstorm

Tell the AI (I’ll be using ChatGPT) what you want to write about and what your goals are. You can tell it to “speak as” whatever you want, to help inform it’s tone and expertise.

example of me starting to brainstorm with the AI

The AI returned an outline, but not really in the way I expected.

example of a AI response to my asking for ideas about this article

This gave me some ideas. So I tried a more specific way of asking my question.

I try to be polite to AI and personal assistants.

The AI gave me this, but I realized by writing the prompt that I already knew what I wanted to write. But the AI did a great job of extrapolating on the concepts I gave it.

Step 2: Obscure it.

Run it through a paraphraser tool. I like Quillbot. I chose to make sure I’m using language that is accessible, so that anyone could read the article and know what to do. That should always be the goal, when designing information that you want to build your personal brand.

Simple setting on quillbot writing tool

Step 3: Edit.

After paraphrasing with Quillbot, I’ll then copy and paste the text into (which is the best self-editing writing tool there is, in my opinion). As you can see, when I paste the AI text, a fair amount of it is “hard to read” and some is “very hard to read”

So I fixed it up and put everything in my own voice.

Step 4. Double-Check

Then I run everything through an AI and plagiarism checker, like this one.

picture of my writing getting a 100% human generated score

And bing bang boom, you’ve got an article

Have a lovely day. Until next time…



PS: Lmk if you want to buy me a present



Chuck Copenspire

The Anti-Professional Professional. Showing that you can be weird, bold, and successful - on your own terms.