Stupid fast guide to writing with AI (without being a spammer)

Chuck Copenspire
2 min readJan 31, 2023


Photo by Hannes Johnson on Unsplash

Ultimately you should be the one who wrote this article.

You get the credit. You get the glory. And you get to be on good terms with the sweet sweet algorithms that determine far too much of our lives.

So here’s how I run AI through my copywriting process:

  1. Start with the most specific prompt you can. You can tell the AI any descriptive terms you can think of. You could even ask the AI for better ways to prompt you.
  2. Use another AI to paraphrase or expand upon the first AI’s response. This will help reduce common detectable patterns in the first AI.
  3. Use a readability checker to make sure that you are writing at a Grade 6 reading level or lower. Simplify your language and don’t show off. Unless you are being deliberately poetic, your writing should be as easy to read as possible.
  4. Run everything through a plagiarism and AI checker. This final step will ensure that you have used AI to research and brainstorm, but not to cheat.

Yes, you can use AI to save you time when it comes to researching and brainstorming. But always write your own articles yourself, or you’ll run the risk of getting flagged as spam (because you’re cheating).

Good luck out there, you wild fools.


Chuck C



Chuck Copenspire

The Anti-Professional Professional. Showing that you can be weird, bold, and successful - on your own terms.