Vietnamese Brides — All About Vietnamese Mail Order Wives in 2024

Richard C. Nesmith
11 min readApr 21, 2024
Vietnamese Mail Order Brides

When you think of Vietnamese brides, you might see more than just a union of two individuals. There’s a cultural significance attached to these unions that goes beyond mere companionship.

The journey of finding your Vietnamese bride entails complexities and nuances that are worth exploring. From the allure of tradition to the practicalities of modern relationships, the world of Vietnamese brides offers a blend of tradition and modern dynamics that may surprise you.

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Vietnamese Mail Order Brides Statistics

Vietnamese Mail Order Brides Statistics

Vietnamese applicants for K-1 visas (2023): The number of Vietnamese individuals who applied for K-1 visas in the year 2023. A K-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa issued to the fiancé or fiancée of a U.S. citizen to enter the United States for the purpose of getting married.

Women leaving Vietnam annually: This refers to the estimated number of Vietnamese women who emigrate from Vietnam to other countries each year. The reasons for emigration can vary, including marriage, work opportunities, or seeking better living conditions.

Divorce rates among Vietnamese brides: The percentage of marriages involving Vietnamese brides that end in divorce within a given timeframe, often expressed annually.

Vietnamese brides with children: The percentage or number of Vietnamese brides who have children either from previous relationships or within their current marriage or partnership.

Estimated number of Vietnamese as foreign brides (2024): The projected or estimated total number of Vietnamese women who are married to foreign nationals and living outside of Vietnam as of the year 2024.

Children living with Vietnamese mail order brides: The estimated number of children living in households with Vietnamese mail-order brides. This includes children from the brides’ previous relationships or children born within their current marriages.

Annual women leaving Vietnam as mail-order brides: The estimated number of Vietnamese women who leave Vietnam annually to marry foreign nationals through mail-order bride agencies or similar arrangements.

Percentage of Vietnamese mail order brides with children: The percentage of Vietnamese mail-order brides who have children. This can provide insight into the family dynamics and responsibilities these brides bring into their new marriages.

Why Vietnamese Mail Order Brides?

Meet Vietnamese bride on EasternHoneys

Education and Work Ethic

Vietnamese women are often well-educated, hardworking, and possess a strong sense of responsibility. Education is highly valued in Vietnamese culture, and many Vietnamese women pursue higher education to broaden their horizons and secure better opportunities for themselves and their families.

Beauty, Grace, and Elegance

Vietnamese brides are also recognized for their beauty, grace, and elegance. Their sense of style and poise often captivates those around them. Whether it’s their traditional Ao Dai (Vietnamese long dress) or modern fashion choices, Vietnamese women have a unique charm that sets them apart.

Cultural Values and Community

Their culture emphasizes respect for elders and a deep-rooted sense of community. Family is at the heart of Vietnamese society, and Vietnamese women often play a central role in maintaining family harmony and traditions. They bring warmth, love, and support to their families and communities.

Pros and Cons of Building a Relationship with Vietnamese Woman?

Considering the cultural richness and traditional values Vietnamese women offer, building a relationship with a Vietnamese woman can bring unique experiences and perspectives to your life. Here are some pros and cons to keep in mind when dating a Vietnamese woman:


  • Vietnamese women are known for their loyalty and devotion to their partners.
  • You may have the opportunity to learn about and engage with a different culture firsthand.
  • Vietnamese women are often family-oriented and place importance on strong family bonds.


  • Communication might sometimes be challenging due to language barriers.
  • Traditional gender roles may still be prevalent, impacting expectations within the relationship.
  • Cultural differences could lead to misunderstandings if not approached with openness and understanding.

Where to Meet Vietnamese Brides?

To meet Vietnamese brides, explore reputable online dating platforms that specialize in connecting individuals seeking international relationships. These platforms offer a convenient way to interact with Vietnam women who are looking for marriage partners. Here are three effective ways to meet Vietnamese girls online:

💌 Vietnamese Dating Sites: Sign up on trustworthy Vietnamese dating sites focused on connecting Vietnamese women with potential partners interested in serious relationships.

🌍 Social Media Groups: Join social media groups or communities that cater to individuals interested in Vietnamese women for marriage to expand your network and meet like-minded individuals.

🎉 Attend Vietnamese Cultural Events: Participate in Vietnamese cultural events or festivals in your area to meet Vietnamese women who share their cultural background and values.

Vietnamese Mail Order Wives: How Much Will It Cost for You?

Discover Vietnamese Woman on TheLuckyDate

💻 Online Dating Expenses

  • Communication Fees: Typically range from $400 to $800 within the first 6 months of using online dating platforms.
  • Virtual Gifts and Access to Private Media: Additional costs may apply for sending virtual gifts or accessing premium content, varying based on the dating website.
  • Price Range: On average, expect to spend $400-$800 initially, with additional costs for premium features.

🌴 Offline Date Arrangement Expenses

  • Location-Based Costs: For example, in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City:
  • Travel: Flights to major cities can cost around $1,200.
  • Accommodation: A medium-priced hotel for a week may total around $150.
  • Dining: Budgeting approximately $150 for dining out at local restaurants three times a day.
  • Leisure Activities: Additional expenses for leisure activities or gifts, estimated at $70.
  • Public Transport: Budgeting for around 14 rides on public transport, costing approximately $7.
  • Total for a Week in Vietnam: Approximately $1,577.

✈️ Trip Expenditures


  • Flight: $1,200.
  • Additional Expenses: $1,000-$2,000 for accommodation and related expenses.
  • Total: $3,500-$7,500.


  • Flight: $1,300.
  • Additional Expenses: $2,000-$6,000 for accommodation and related costs.
  • Total: $3,800-$7,300.


  • Flight: $1,250.
  • Additional Expenses: Varies based on location and preferences.
  • Total: $3,500-$8,000.

🛂 Visa Costs

K-1 Visa to the USA:

  • Application Fee (Form I-129F): $535.
  • Medical Exam: $200.
  • Visa Application Fee: $265.
  • Total: $1,000.

Partner Visa to Australia:

  • Application Fee: AUD 1,200 ($825).
  • Processing Time: Up to 24 months.

UK Family Visa:

  • Inside the Country: £1,033 ($1,325).
  • Outside the Country: £1,523 ($1,950).

💒 Wedding Expenses in Vietnam

  • Marriage License and Application: Around $50.
  • Ceremony: Approximately $250.
  • Reception: Budgeting for around $600.
  • Photographer Hiring: Estimated at $400.
  • Rings and Attire: Approximately $700.
  • Bride’s Makeup and Hairstyling: Around $200.
  • Catering for 50 Guests: Estimated at $1,000.
  • Total: $3,200.

Legalities and Documentation for International Marriages with Vietnamese Women

Navigating the legalities and required documentation for international marriages with Vietnamese women can be a complex yet necessary process. When preparing for such a significant step, it’s crucial to ensure all legal aspects are in order. Here are three key points to consider:

📜 Required Documents for Marriage in Vietnam 🇻🇳

📁 Regular Dossier:
1️⃣ Marriage Registration Application
2️⃣ Affidavit of Single Status
3️⃣ No-marriage Certificate (last 6 months)
4️⃣ Certificate of Good Mental Health
5️⃣ Biographic Information Sheet
6️⃣ Passport Copy (📸 & ✍️ pages)
7️⃣ Power of Attorney

⚠️ Note:

Documents 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 need Notary Public and State Department ✅.
👨‍⚖️ For Divorced/Widowed:

👨‍⚖️ Divorcees: Certified Divorce Decree
👩‍⚖️ Widows: Certified Death Certificate of previous spouse
🔖 Power of Attorney:

Allows 🤵/👰 to submit; must be Embassy-authenticated.
💵 Fees: Money Orders or Cashier’s Checks to “Embassy of Vietnam”.

📬 Return:

Include 💌 self-addressed, tracked envelope (FedEx or USPS Express Mail).
⏳ Processing Time:

Regular: 5–7 working days
Rush: 2–3 working days

Vietnamese Bride on AsianMelodies

How to have an ideal online date with a Vietnamese bride?

When engaging in an online date with a Vietnamese bride, ensure you set a comfortable and engaging atmosphere from the start. Start by showing genuine interest in her culture, traditions, and background. Ask thoughtful questions and actively listen to her responses.

Share about yourself as well to create a balanced conversation. Be respectful and courteous in your interactions, keeping the tone light and positive. Use humor to break the ice and make her feel at ease.

Plan activities that you can do together virtually, such as watching a movie simultaneously or playing online games. Show appreciation for her time and express your desire to get to know her better.

How do you pick up Vietnamese brides?

To successfully pick up Vietnamese brides, approach the process with genuine interest and respect for their culture and traditions. Here are three essential tips to help you navigate this delicate process:

  • 🌟 Learn about Vietnamese culture: Show genuine curiosity and respect for their traditions, history, and way of life. This won’t only impress the Vietnamese brides but also help you connect with them on a deeper level.
  • 🌟 Be a good listener: Vietnamese brides appreciate someone who listens attentively. Show interest in what they’ve to say, ask thoughtful questions, and engage in meaningful conversations to build a strong rapport.
  • 🌟 Respect boundaries: Understand and respect personal boundaries. Take things slow, be patient, and always prioritize mutual respect in your interactions with Vietnamese brides.

The legal process of bringing your Vietnamese bride to your home Country

Understanding the legal requirements and steps involved in bringing your Vietnamese bride to your home country is crucial for a smooth and successful process.

Firstly, you’ll need to check the specific visa regulations in your country for bringing a spouse from Vietnam. Typically, this involves applying for a marriage visa or a spouse visa. You may also need to provide documentation such as marriage certificates, proof of income, and medical exams. It’s essential to consult with immigration authorities or legal experts to ensure you have all the necessary paperwork in order.

Additionally, be prepared for potential language barriers and cultural adjustments that your Vietnamese bride may face upon arrival in your home country.

The Reality Behind Vietnamese Mail Order Wife Scams

When considering Vietnamese mail order wife scams, be cautious of fake profiles, language barriers, inconsistent information, and requests for money. These are common red flags that indicate potential fraudulent activities.

Stay vigilant and verify information to ensure your safety and protect yourself from falling victim to these scams.

❗️Fake Profiles

Amidst the allure of finding a Vietnamese mail-order wife online, the harsh reality emerges with the prevalence of fake profiles designed to deceive unsuspecting individuals.

Here’s what you should watch out for:

  • Stolen Images: Many fake profiles use photos of models or other individuals without permission to create an illusion of a perfect partner.
  • Overly Aggressive Approach: Be cautious of profiles that immediately shower you with excessive affection or push for rushed commitments.
  • Financial Requests: Fake profiles often aim to exploit individuals emotionally and financially, asking for money or gifts soon after establishing contact.

Stay vigilant and take steps to verify the authenticity of profiles to avoid falling into the trap of these deceitful practices.

❗️Language Barriers

Navigating Vietnamese mail-order bride scams can be tricky, especially with language barriers where effective communication is crucial. Language differences can cause misunderstandings, with scammers exploiting these through translation services or fake profiles. Verifying authenticity is tough due to language challenges. It’s vital to be cautious, perhaps using professional translators or reliable dating services to avoid scam tactics. Understanding these risks and taking precautions is key to protecting yourself and finding a genuine connection in a meaningful relationship.

❗️Anconsistent Information

Language barriers may not be the only challenge you face when dealing with Vietnamese mail-order wife scams; inconsistent information can also play a significant role in uncovering the reality behind these deceptive schemes.

Here are three reasons why inconsistent information should raise red flags:

  • Mismatched Stories: Discrepancies in the details provided by the potential Vietnamese bride could indicate deceit or a lack of transparency.
  • Conflicting Backgrounds: If the background information you receive about the bride doesn’t align or seems too good to be true, it’s essential to question the credibility of the source.
  • Incoherent Responses: Responses that seem evasive, vague, or illogical can be signs that the information provided isn’t trustworthy.

❗️Requests for Money

When dealing with Vietnamese mail-order bride scams, it’s critical to beware of money requests. Be cautious of those posing as Vietnamese brides who quickly ask for money for various reasons. These requests can increase once trust is built, leading to significant financial loss. Scammers often use elaborate stories to gain sympathy and manipulate victims into sending money. Always be vigilant and question sudden financial requests from individuals met through mail-order bride services. True relationships are based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding, not on demands for money. Stay alert to avoid falling prey to these scams.

Protecting Yourself: Tips to Avoid Vietnamese brides Scam

To avoid falling victim to Vietnamese brides scam, it’s essential to thoroughly research and verify the legitimacy of any matchmaking services or individuals offering such arrangements. Here are three crucial tips to protect yourself:

  • Background Check: Conduct a background check on the matchmaking agency or individual to ensure they’ve a reputable track record.
  • Avoid Money Requests: Be cautious of any requests for money or financial assistance, as legitimate matchmaking services don’t typically involve financial transactions early on.
  • Meet in Person: Whenever possible, arrange to meet the Vietnamese bride in person or through video calls to establish a genuine connection and verify their identity.


In conclusion, if you’re considering pursuing a relationship with a Vietnamese mail order bride, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons, be aware of the costs involved, and take precautions to avoid scams.

Meeting Vietnamese brides can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to do your research and proceed with caution.

The key is to approach the process with respect, honesty, and an open mind.

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Richard C. Nesmith

Hi, I'm Richard, a dating coach and author at In my blog, I share insights and advice on dating with women from various countries