Let go of your work badge

Maker Brands
2 min readNov 3, 2015


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Be yourself and not what it says on your work badge. It seems obvious, but the other day I noticed it’s harder than it seems to abandon office processes and bureaucracies and to be open to new perspectives.

During an empathic consumer experience, which is when we take our clients to experience the reality of those who buy their products, one of the participants asked me the following: if I approach someone, do I have to say that I am from my company? I hadn’t stopped to think about it, but it seemed quite natural to say this: when shopping, the customer does not need to say where he works, he just buys, right?

There is the starting point of an innovative process: empathy. Realizing that a professional is a consumer is as important as remembering that a consumer is a person.

It made me think that many professionals are so entrenched in the corporate routine that they forget that they themselves are consumers with needs and wants. And there is the starting point of an innovative process: empathy. Realizing that a professional is a consumer is as important as remembering that a consumer is a person.

It may seem symbolic, but it takes the weight off experience. You start to interact in a more genuine way, establish connections without hierarchy, hear fewer “no’s” (no, the company doesn’t do it like that, no, nobody will approve something like this) — if you allow yourself to make mistakes and laugh at your mistakes.

When you are seeking a new service or product, innovation requires letting go of how things happen during our daily work routines.

By Higor Lambach



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