Startup Tools

3 min readApr 21, 2019


This is a list of tools and reference materials that I think are worth sharing.

Before you follow this lists, you should already have a pretty good idea on a product or services that someone want to buy. In other word, a global problem that you want to address. Your initial market test has given you some very positive feedback and you are sure it is something worth doing.

You are confident with the product ideas, your have found a team of co-founders, the team’s capability and the market potential is looking good. It is time to take the concept seriously and take it forward.

How about a couple of videos to help you? This Paul Graham talk at Stanford University is a good start. This Lean Startup MVP talk will help too.

The following tools list is not a linear procedure but require you to go through many iterations of rethinking, re-evaluation and re-development. All the best.

  1. Lets start from some foundation concepts. Check out these videos from Stanford Business School.
  2. The first tool you would need in your toolbox is Lean Canvas or the Lean Methodology.
  3. Create a working title or code name of your project. Something that may or may not translate to become your company name or brand name. It should be something you are ready to talk about, catchy, meaningful to you and meaningful to your target audience. The tips in this article make sense to me. Your visual communication is going to be important, so think about colour, visual image, font style and logo too.
  4. With a temporary code name, brand identity and a lean canvas in your hand, you are ready to expand them into a pitch deck. You will need to write and re-write this 20 to 30 times, interactively with the lean canvas, involving the whole founders team.
  5. After updating your lean canvas and pitch deck to the 28th versions. You shall be pretty clear with your business ideas. It is time to sharpen your elevator pitch.
  6. Once you are happy with the deck and the canvas, it is time to lay out more details in a business plan. This business planning templates from Victoria Government Small Business Portal could help you. An alternative template is available at Australian Government Business. The key element of the business plan is the budget plan, in 3, 5 and 10 years.

You must have re-visited your market and competition many times. Your clients are surviving without you, are they? Do they really need your startup? This talk by Peter Thiel at Stanford might help you rethink about your market.

Congratulation that you have come this far. All the best with your pitching. Your next steps are going to be very fluid. It is time to immerse yourself in the startup community and tell everyone about your startup.

Network — Find your ways to networking events and opportunities. As many as you can. There is never too many ….

Read — as much as you can, starting from the following blog, stores and posts.

Medium Posts by Rayn Ong

M8 Ventures Blog on Medium by Alan Jones

Y Combinator Blog

Sequoia Capital US Articles specially this one on starting out your business plan.

Startmate Stories on Medium

SquarePeg Capital Community Articles

Airtree Blog on Startup and Investments

Open Source VC documents by Airtree VC of Australia.

Main Sequence Ventures Articles




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