Host a Minecraft server on Google Cloud with automatic deployment and backup

9 min readMar 8, 2020


I think when we talk about hosting a Minecraft server on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), there are tens of thousands of tutorial. However, it seems not too many articles talk about how to maintain the server well. For example, when I want to upgrade my server, could I switch over with the least down time? If using my approach, it takes around 1 min to switch over the server without changing the IP address. Also, the backup files will be stored in Google Cloud Storage every 4 hours, that means once we want to time back, we at most lose 4 hours data. Of course, the time could is set by ourselves. The whole solution diagram will look like below, I will go through how to implement it step by step.

Mincecraft Hosting Solution Diagram

Before we start, please make sure you have a GCP account, I do not go through the detail of this.

Create an instance

Compute Engine

First of all, please click the left top corner logo and it will show a list of service of GCP. Just click Compute Engine and if you are the first time to use, it will take a few minutes to start. Then click “Create”.

