How to Stop Complaining in a Relationship?

Md Fakharuddin
3 min readJul 4, 2024


Mastering the art of not complaining in a relationship is challenging. You may have developed this habit over time, making it difficult to break. However, identifying the root cause of your complaints is the first step towards resolution.

Identifying Triggers

Recognizing what triggers your complaints makes them easier to manage. You can either choose to ignore these triggers or find solutions to the underlying problems.

Steps to Stop Complaining in a Relationship

1. Cease Complaining About Your Partner

Avoid complaining about your partner’s habits, moods, or personality. Constant criticism makes them feel attacked, leading to defensiveness and unnecessary arguments.

2. Avoid Complaining About Your Relationship

Stop complaining about your relationship. Dwelling on the negatives only worsens your feelings. Instead, learn to accept your situation and work towards improvement.

3. Shift Your Perspective

Look at things differently. Rather than complaining about expenses, appreciate the savings from eating healthy. Instead of lamenting your partner’s lateness, cherish the extra time together. Changing your perspective reduces stress and fosters positivity.

4. Embrace Honesty

Be truthful with yourself and your partner. Don’t hide your emotions. Express your frustrations and feelings openly, fostering a more authentic relationship.

5. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparison steals joy. Measuring yourself against others always leaves you feeling inadequate. Focus on your own journey and achievements.

6. Focus on What You Have

Shift your attention from what you lack to what you possess. This fosters gratitude and contentment, reducing the urge to complain.

7. Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude counteracts comparison. By appreciating what you have, you enhance your happiness and reduce stress.

8. Avoid Taking Things Personally

Detach emotionally from situations. Taking things personally hinders your ability to learn from experiences. Maintain emotional distance to gain better insights.

9. Highlight Positives

Always keep things in perspective. Remember that even if your partner acts unkindly at times, they still love you. Don’t take things too seriously.

10. Assert Your Needs

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want in a relationship. Effective communication ensures you get the best match. Overcome fear and assert your needs confidently.

11. Enforce Boundaries

Don’t let your partner get away with behavior that makes you uncomfortable. Speak up and maintain your values. Allowing bad behavior leads to future disappointment.

12. Seek Help When Needed

If you’re struggling in a relationship, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Friends, family, counselors, and religious scholars can provide valuable support and guidance.


How Do I Deal With a Complaining Wife?

  1. Avoid Arguing Back: Understand her perspective instead of arguing. Work together to address her concerns.
  2. Be Sensitive: Don’t make fun of her feelings. Show empathy and understanding.
  3. Listen: Let her vent and express her frustrations.
  4. Be Present: Stay close and show that you care, even when she seems distant.
  5. Express Love: Tell her how much you appreciate her.
  6. Be Patient: Allow her time to adjust to changes in your relationship.

What Do You Call a Woman Who Complains About Everything?

An old-fashioned term for such a woman is “harridan.” The male equivalent would be “whiner.”

How Do You Deal With a Chronic Complainer?

Identify the underlying issues behind their complaints. Address these problems to help them move past their negativity.


Complaining is a habit that can harm relationships. To break this habit, identify your triggers and work on changing your negative thoughts. When you feel like complaining, engage in a different activity such as taking a walk or reading a book. This proactive approach helps foster a more positive and harmonious relationship.



Md Fakharuddin

Md Fakharuddin is a highly skilled professional SEO expert focusing on Link Building. Reach him at