Does God really exist?

Manish Sharma
8 min readNov 28, 2018


This is very disputed question from centuries which does not have a fixed answer. Many people have belief in God and there are many who don’t believe in God. Then what’s the truth? who is right? Let’s try to find out the answers.

If you believe in God and any religion just think whatever beliefs you have about God and religion, are those beliefs your own? Perhaps not. Are those believes with you from your birth? Actually those believes were feed to you by your parents, priests, moulavis and society.

When a child is born he doesn’t know anything about religion and God but as he grows up he learns it from his surroundings and child starts believing everything blindly.

The beliefs based on which you are ready to fight others are not your own. You don’t even know if they are true, you believe because few thousand years ago someone told that he saw God or he wrote a book about it.

According to wikipedia 84% of world’s population believe in some form of organised religion and some form of God. Out of these 5.9 billion people, 2.4 billion follow Christianity, 1.8 billion follow Islam, 1.1 billion follow Hinduism, 521 million follow Buddhism and several hundred million people follow other religions.

There are around 10,000 distinct religions in the world and many of them can be subdivided. All these religions have different set of God, each religion has different theory about how universe was created and how humans came into existence.

What are the chances that you have got the right God and right religion and billions of other people who don’t believe what you believe got it wrong. If you would have born in different country there are very high chances that you would be believing in different religion and different God. That means you believing in a particular set of God is just because of an accident. If you really want to know the truth, throw away all the believes which were feed to you and then try to find the truth.

How humans started believing in God:- Earlier in time when humans saw so many natural things which were not created by humans like hills, rivers, oceans and natural events like rain, day & night, weathers they started believing there must be someone out there who is so much powerful that he is controlling all these natural events, who created all the natural things including humans and all other animals. They gave this powerful God a face which looked like them. That’s why God has face like humans of that religion. African God look like African people, Greek God look like Greek people, Hindu God look like Indians. Although few religions believe God in form of light or energy.

Even concept of heaven and hell is also very similar to our parents' behavior, when we do good work or get good marks we get awarded but when we make mistakes we get punished. Same concept was inherited by few people to heavens and hell to reduce bad actions by people. They convinced people through religions that God is watching everything you do, There are 10 things he doesn’t want you to do or else you’ll go to a burning place with lake of fire until the end of eternity.

We know that in earlier time when there was too much rain or no rain people used to think that God of rain is angry and they used to worship that God, now science has explained us that there is no role of any God in raining.

All religions explain in completely different ways how universe was created by God, only 1 of them can be possible but science says that none of them is true. Science has proved that universe was created by big bang event around 14 billion years ago from a singularity point. Though science hasn’t explained what had triggered big bang to happen and what was exactly before big bang. Science has also explained that earth was created around 4.2 billion years ago and humans evolved only few thousand years ago whereas most of the religious books including Kuran, Bible and Vedas explain that universe, earth and humans were created altogether by God which is in clear contradiction with science. Even these books don’t have any description of dinosaurs living on earth for millions of years but fossils of dinosaurs have been found on every continent. These books say that humans are 1 of the first species lived on earth which is not true at all.

Many educated people argue that our earth and life on earth is so perfect that it can not be a just coincidence. Size of earth is perfect, if it would be smaller there wouldn’t be any gas environment like mars, if it would be bigger it would contain very high hydrogen like Jupiter. Distance of earth from sun is perfect to keep earth’s temperature perfect for life. Earth’s rotation speed around sun (67000 miles per hour) is perfect to keep oceans stable. All this can not be a coincidence.

But science says its just coincidence. In last few decades we have found several exoplanets which are like earth and are in habitable zone with their star. Life can be possible on those planets but since even the closest of these planets (proxima centurai B) is 4.3 light years ago, even with speed of fastest spaceship it will take around 12000 years to reach there, but the point is there are billions of star planet systems like our solar system, out of them few planets having perfect environment for life can not be considered reason for existence of God.

Unlike science religions are not open for changes in their believes and incorporating new concepts despite any logical reason. Before 16th century everyone believed that earth was stationary and that the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars moved in circular orbits about the earth as explained by Aristotle. Aristotle believed this because he felt, for mystical reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe, and that circular motion was the most perfect. This idea was elaborated by Ptolemy in the second century into a complete cosmological model where The earth stood at the center, surrounded by eight spheres that carried the moon, the sun, the stars, and the five planets known at the time, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

This model was adopted by the Christian church as it had great advantage that it left lots of room outside the sphere of fixed stars for heaven and hell. It was first Copernicus and then Galileo who proposed a heliocentric cosmology in their books with the Earth no more the immovable center of the world, but instead one of the planets orbiting around the Sun. However, the Catholic church disapproved of this theory and banned these books because the Bible states that the Earth is at the immovable center, not the Sun. They convicted Galileo of heresy charges for teaching people against Bible. As ordered by church he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. Now we all know who was right and who was wrong.

According to science universe is governed by physics laws, not by some invisible power. Science explains every activity in universe by theory of relativity and quantum theory using four different forces (Electromagnetic force, Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force and Gravitation force) but people can question that who created these physics laws and these forces. Science also doesn’t have answers of these questions and few other questions regarding beginning and ending of universe, what happens after life etc, but that doesn’t mean answer to these questions is God this is because science is still in it’s early stage and not developed enough to answer these questions. Since science has found many answers in last few decades which were unanswered earlier, these questions will also be answered with proof one day.

One more point that goes against existence of God is If God exists why doesn’t he stop mass killings, where does he live when innocent children die due to cancer and other diseases even if their parents are praying for their life, where was he when innocent people were dying in atom bomb explosions and riots. Why God don’t save those who die during religious travel. Many people give answer to this question that these people were punished for their bad works in previous life. If God is so powerful why can’t he punish people in the same life?

There are millions of people on this planet who don’t believe in any God and they live a happy, productive, moral and purposeful life without diluting them selves in believing some super natural power, that suggests that there is no need to believe and pray any God.

Greatest scientist Einstein has told “ I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own — a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.” Einstein also said that everything that takes place is determined by laws of Nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, he will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being.

If we really think about all these points it looks like humans created God and religions not vice versa. Again let’s come to basic question, Does God really exist? my answer is I don’t know but I don’t want to believe anything blindly. Even if God exists he is completely different from what all the religions tell us about him. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one.

I believe in science because it’s not blind faith everything science says can either be observed or experimented by everyone. I am still in search of God. I don’t have any intentions to hurt sentiments of anyone, I just wanted to have a healthy discussion on some basic questions. If anyone got hurt I am deeply sorry.

Finally I will end this blog by a quote of one of the greatest scientist Stephen Hawking.

It’s my view that the simplest explanation is there is no God, no one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization, There is probably no heaven and no after life either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that I am extremely grateful



Manish Sharma

Animal Lover | Humanity Religion Follower | Desperate Reader | Passionate Programmer